microwaves are useful for things other than leftovers and frozen meals though!
they're great for melting butter and chocolate for baking, defrosting veggies for a stirfry - so even if you're cooking all your meals and don't eat leftovers you'd definitely use it.
also even if you're SUPER rich - most kitchens come with microwaves as standard anyway. so they'd have one even if they don't use it.
(now i'm craving leftovers but we don't have any wah. it's 5am and i'm hungry...)
We could ask Jared:3 if he has a microwave
Some people became rich due to being extremely cheap and thrifty. I'm sure those types wouldn't waste their money on private chefs, or eating out all the time when they can just simply make food at home.
i'm pretty sure everyone on planet earth who is inside a house should own a microwave but that's just me