Do y'all think perfect fruit will make a comeback?


Mar 23, 2019
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Mother's Day Carnation
Zipper Sakura
Spring Sakura
i honestly really miss perfect fruit in new leaf, it looked so beautiful and i feel like it made orchards a lot more vibrant and happy! it could also b fun to try and collect all of them. what do y'all think?
i'd personally like to see them return along with fruit requests since villager tasks right now are currently limited to deliveries and bug/fish catching. would love some more variety, and perfect fruit would fit right in since giving a piece to a villager yielded more friendship points than regular fruit.
I think that if it was going to be in the game it would have came in the beginning - purely because I just can't see them adding something like that in an update - also I think a lot of new players may find it boring just because it's the same five fruits with a new design. I could imagine them bringing back the fruit from Tortimer Island like lemons, mangos, durians, bananas etc. in an update maybe next summer - perhaps even with the island?
I would rather see more variety in the fruit than the perfect fruits returning, if there was a choice, but if it wasn't an either-or thing I would definitely say that I do miss the perfect fruit and would like to see it return. I don't know if it'll happen. I'd like to see the different shapes on the tree stumps coming back as well, but I'm not expecting it, really.
i want my perfect apples back,,,please they're so pretty and sparkly,,,,blease 😭🙏🏻 i'd like some more variety in the fruit as well but i think we can have both!
I personally don’t think it will, but one can hope. What I’d rather have is the tropical fruits from New Leaf, particularly mangoes and lemons. I named my island Lemongrass with the hope/assumption that tropical fruits would be added in a later update, perhaps the summer one... but no such luck so far.
I’d say that there’s a chance that it’ll happen eventually, but I’m not entirely holding my breath. I’ll be jumping for joy if it does happen, though!
I do believe it'll be added in eventually! I also believe it will no longer be town locked ^_^ Perhaps they will just change the method of obtaining them! I'm also thinking new types of trees will be added when this happens and other fruits as well!
I don't think it will come back. There's so much basic stuff they're still missing from the past games that it seems kind of silly for them to be waiting a year or more to add them back in. So most likely they're not coming back. And I've just come to terms to accept that.
yess i agree with yall! seeing more variety/new fruits would also be super amazing

i'd love to see grapes and dragonfruit (*:
It’s in pocket camp so I don’t see why it can’t be in NH. I’d love to see the return of the other fruits as well.
It'd be a smart move for the dev team as they can add more crafting recipes. I also miss the dead trees too.
Oh man, the dead trees!!! That’s one thing that would skyrocket the overall vibe of my forest...I’d want those over perfect fruit, to be totally honest!
I wish but I don't see what the point would be in new horizons.