Do you believe in climate change/global warming?

Are you a believer in climate change?

  • Yes

    Votes: 169 95.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 4.5%

  • Total voters
There isn’t anything to “believe”, it’s a fact that it’s true based on what climate scientists have stated as well as just taking a couple looks at what’s happening in the world right now. Asking if climate change is “real” is a Republican talking point pushed by Fox News.

Yup and as other people have said I don't think it's up for debate whether it exists or not (despite what some politicians may believe...)

Republican politicians say that it doesn’t exist because they want those sweet corporate donations :cool:
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We are already too late to halt it and there's no use in acting like we can stop it now. The best we can do is create technology that will help us in the years to come. We did this "hur dur its fake" thing for too long and now we're screwed. It's very much real and we are too late to reverse the change. All we can do is adapt.

The further we push it off, the more unprepared we are in the event of a famine or overcrowdedness. Of course all of us in the 1st world won't really suffer that much but the rest of the world will because of our actions.

Even if America does change, other countries simply can't afford clean energy. Answer is nuclear, but even that gets expensive to implement. For the world to really step up, we would need to offset the costs of cheap energy and clean energy. Because your random civilian in Afghanistan doesn't have time to focus on the planet.

but will any of this happen? lol no

Should buy property in the middle of the land if you live by the ocean tbh, it will become the new beach soon.
This sounds like some polotics but, i just think globalwarming is another word for climate change. Im young and silly and stopped watching bill nye last year ( he is getting older) but idk about this and dont mind heat bc its fl people! :) Okim signing out gnoght captive audience!
I don't believe in it, I know it's a real concept with a butt ton of evidence supporting it. You cannot deny that the earth is increasing in temperature slowly due to anthropological activities.

I think some people have a false conception of climate change like it's going to end the world or cause the apocalypse or something. That's not true. But what it is going to do is increase the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, crash some economies (depending on the country of course) and lessen the biodiversity of the earth. If you can't think of it in an environmental manner, at least consider the money that is going to be needed to spend to clean up the inevitable natural disasters that are going to happen.
I don't get the whole "belief" thing. How can you believe/not believe in literal scientific fact? It's like saying you "don't believe" that grass is a plant. What the hell??
I don't get the whole "belief" thing. How can you believe/not believe in literal scientific fact? It's like saying you "don't believe" that grass is a plant. What the hell??

It’s because conservative media sources have brainwashed trumpers into thinking it’s one giant hoax, that’s why. Even if you show them evidence by climatologists (such as the literal 97% consensus among climatologists that climate change is man made according to NASA) they’ll still refuse to acknowledge it because of their ignorance. Of course the minute you call them idiots (give the world is burning up rip Europe :,) ) they’ll just call you a libtard.

It’s for that reason that there isn’t any point in correcting these people (who, may I add, are not climatologists and have no authority to call it a hoax other than what orange man says) but rather we need to continue speaking out on why its important. Zoomers and Millenials are pretty much the only generations that are widely worried about climate change so boomers will probably kill the earth if we don’t do something soon.
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I have a question. What is worse? Believing that global warming isn’t real the whole time, or believing that it was real at one point, but then believing that it’s a hoax?

I’m asking because I have more knowledge on the issue than you think, and I even believed it was real before, yet I chose to reject it.
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I voted no not because it?s a complete hoax (it actually isn?t), but I don?t believe it?s a quick process like what people believe. I also believe that people who namecall others (or make negative assumptions about them) for denying climate change are bigots.

There are many climate change predictions in the past that has not come true. Global Warming is a theory, not a fact. You can?t accept theories as facts. Science can?t explain everything. If anything, we?re more likely heading to another ice age than a heated Earth. But then again, an ice age is more ecologically disastrous.

I absolutely agree with your statement kindly please give us citation on why global warming is just a trash.

Also do you believe the earth is flat cuz I absolutely 100% do uwu
I don't "believe" in it as there is nothing to believe in.

Climate change factually is a thing. Belief in it is irrelevant. It's a thing as much as gravity is a thing.
I absolutely agree with your statement kindly please give us citation on why global warming is just a trash.

Also do you believe the earth is flat cuz I absolutely 100% do uwu

The earth?? Isn’t flat??? It’s literally a oblate spheroid god darnet
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The earth?? Isn’t flat??? It’s literally a oblate spheroid god dammit

Oh no I do not believe such thing, as a part of flat earth society I find this really obnoxious. When you look at the sky do you seriously think its round? Then absolutely it's not round but FLAT. Ya think the ground is flat lmfao jokes on you mate

You should check the ff:

Oh no I do not believe such thing, as a part of flat earth society I find this really obnoxious. When you look at the sky do you seriously think its round? Then absolutely it's not round but FLAT. Ya think the ground is flat lmfao jokes on you mate

You should check the ff:


This is so dumb nasal literally has proof from space that the earth isn’t real, you aren’t a scientitist

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*earth isnt fat

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Yes, climate change is a real thing and action should be taken to prevent it.

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Oh no I do not believe such thing, as a part of flat earth society I find this really obnoxious. When you look at the sky do you seriously think its round? Then absolutely it's not round but FLAT. Ya think the ground is flat lmfao jokes on you mate

You should check the ff:


I don't know if you are trolling or being serious. ;-;
Yes, climate change is a real thing and action should be taken to prevent it.

I wonder if carbon mining works. As we advance technology, we can learn to mine from the air, pulling carbon dioxide from the air, and using the carbon as a resource for other manufacturing goods. I?m not sure how we can use carbon, but it would be good for reversing the damage done, not preventing it.

We should also focus on carbon mining from the oceans since CO[SUB]2[/SUB] makes oceans more acidic, and we need that algae to produce our oxygen and keeping the Earth cool.

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But then again, if you want to stop a problem, you would want to fight the source of the problem, not just the problem. It?s like cleaning up bad smells. You want to clean up the source of the bad smell to stop it from happening, not just using air fresheners to alleviate the bad smell.
Did a quick skim and most of what is referenced here is taken from just one source. Kind of feels like agenda pushing that many of the sources are taken from a site called "Rightwingnews", and that the author of the article was an author in that site and not really a reputable scientist publishing a scientific article, but that's normally how I'd like to filter the stuff I read to ensure absolute validity regardless of political alignment

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I do think the earth is flat though bc unravel got a big score in science class and she says so so she got da smarts ����
Definitely! I think the short-term affects of global warming are being blown out of proportion due to lack of education on the subject, but it could have very serious consequences in the next century or two. My favourite illustration to show people what global warming really means is here:

It is also unfortunate that nothing will change in this pattern until countries like China and India lead the charge on environmental issues. North American and European countries can help change, but this is a world issue, not just a country specific issue. Remember to vote in your elections for candidates who support policies that are beneficial for the environment!