Do you believe in mediums/psychics?


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Sep 12, 2015
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I don't. I sometimes read what these people predict, but I don't take it seriously. I just don't believe people have supernatural abilities to communicate with the dead, or see the future or however it works.

The title was autocorrected, so ignore that. It's meant to say psychics
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I mean, it'd be cool if it was real but honestly I doubt it. I think most of it is just people using psychology and other things to trick people into giving them money and stuff.
Not at all. I think that some people are naturally more intuitive than others when it comes to reading body language/mood/etc., but "psychics" just spew generalizations that would apply to almost anyone and wait until they get something correct. They're merely scam artists with cool props.
I'd better not. I saw two of them and they told me I had no future, another said I was going to be murdered. :/

Once, someone I know communicated through a psychic with my late boyfriend and made him write a letter (no kidding)
First, the letter was in French and it had no mistakes, (my BF was an English speaker and his French writing skills were horrible) then, "he" was calling me by my real name, which never-ever- happened, he only used my nickname. And last, he truly hated ghost and paranormal stories. I was really mad at those people for doing stuff like that, and I know that they are still doing it, but it also makes me chuckle because they said to have seen apparition of him on his death anniversary's just that they got the date wrong lol; and on another time they thought receiving "signs" because suddenly seeing an object that used to belong to him...but it was not his, it was just something another friend had forgotten; also they thought the cat was reacting to his watch and seeing his ghost....but the reality was the alarm on the watch was on and they couldn't hear it, the cat and I could. XD
I'm certain they're all fake, I'd be shocked to find one that was real.

One thing I do believe in is hypnotists though. They are logically believable, BUT and this is one big but, there is a large number of fakes out there.
Not particularly, no.

I do believe in magic in a young girl's heart.
I also believe in life after love.

But not psychic power.

Ironic given the thing I named this account after, yes?
Not at all. I think that some people are naturally more intuitive than others when it comes to reading body language/mood/etc., but "psychics" just spew generalizations that would apply to almost anyone and wait until they get something correct. They're merely scam artists with cool props.


I do think there are some (very very few) people who genuinely believe they have "psychic" abilities and also demonstrate a high EQ (emotional intelligence). I think it's even possible that there is some yet-to-be-discovered way that "psychic" energy can be transmitted and received in some fashion. I do not believe that the dead can "communicate" with the living, though I accept that others think very differently.

I've always enjoyed reading history books and watching documentaries that deal with the so-called paranormal. It's one of those subjects that just fascinates me. There's so much to learn about the human psyche!
As much as I'd like to believe in mediums, I just can't. Logic tells me that such a thing is near impossible. Though, I wish there was a way to communicate with the dead, if the dead exist somewhere else. But I've seen mediums/physicists take general things that can apply to pretty much anyone and with a bit of stage magic, make it into something wonderful for the person who believes it. Like that one psychic, Joe Rogan, I used to see bits and pieces of his show waaay back in the day. Sometimes he would move an audience member who asked about a loved one, he would move them to happy tears. With how life is sometimes, even happiness found in white lies can't be that bad.
no and i feel sorry for the people who believe in them. i love to watch them getting exposed
Nope. They can read body language and can understand psychology better than most people. Like previously stated in this thread, they just trick people with cool props.
Definitely not. I believe people feel better thinking they can talk to dead loved ones through mediums or prayer, either do to missing those people or wanting to have a connection after they too have passed, but these ideas and communications are ultimately in their own mind.

Some people also want to believe someone can tell them their future and those people are more likely to give a psychic information, either by body language or verbally giving information without realizing, to use as proof that the psychic is legit. But again, it's all in the individuals mind and maybe if they believe what a psychic said is true, especially if the prediction is a destructive one, the individual will subconsciously cause that destructive fortune to become true. With positive fortunes it's much harder to achieve because at some point the individual will actively have to make it come true.
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No, more like con artists that are payed to tell people what they want to hear.
No, they're either delusional nutjobs or money grabbing scam artists preying on the vulnerable and gullible. They belong in the 'factually full of crap' category along with the people from those 'ghost hunter' TV shows.

I plan on becoming one if my ghost hunting career doesn't take off.