Then here's another one! You will probably really like this too, and I know I've said it recently somewhere else. But when I was younger(and even now still) me and my sister would always get the same gifts, I knew it was a way to be fair but I also think this is what caused me and my sister to turn out so much alike. (She's 2.5 years older than me.) Well one year, in the 90's, when Razor scooters were the hot new thing we had both put that on our wishlist to get, and so when I saw my sister open her super cool red Razor scooter I found my similarly shaped package under the tree, from Santa, and ripped it open, I was DISTRAUGHT because instead of an actual Razor scooter my mom got me this hot pink barbie scooter and I was angry that I didn't get a REAL Razor. So I opened the box and pulled out the scooter and unfolded it and on the baby pink deck there was a footprint... not like a regular footprint, a pointed TINY footprint. AND ELF PRINT, I was SO sure of it, my mom couldn't explain it, it was in it's factory box and still sealed so there wasn't a way my mom could have done it. I liked the scooter a lot more after that, and I appreciate the fact that she got me it now, not only because of the mystery elf print, but because it was more "smaller kid" sized in comparison to my sister's so it worked better for me. =D