Do you cut down trees or dig them up?

What do you do with unwanted trees?

  • Cut them down!

    Votes: 8 13.6%
  • Dig them up and replant them!

    Votes: 13 22.0%
  • A mix of both!

    Votes: 38 64.4%

  • Total voters
It depends on my mood and how many trees I will be dealing with. If it's just a couple here and there, I'll dig them up; otherwise, they get chopped.
A little of both! I usually dig them up though so I can save them for landscaping to see how an adult tree will look
I always cut them down! honestly I forgot digging them up was even an option. maybe if I was doing a project and I knew I'd be reusing them soon then I'd dig them up, but for the most part I prefer cutting them down and growing new ones. gets me more wood, too!
I hate that we destroy forests IRL, and I refuse to do it in-game.

I dig them up and replant them.
Chop them down. I can't stand clutter and dropping the tree somewhere else (for the time being) where I will most likely just dig it up again.
I only cut them down when I don't need them or want a stump in a particular area. Most of the time I dig them up and relocate them.

I do like to take a couple of axes to dodo island and cut them all. I do this for lumber, and cutting them down is very satisfying.
It really depends on if I have enough room elsewhere and how I’m altering the landscape. In the best case scenario I move my trees but sometimes I just have to fully remove them (big RIP to the trees that had to go down for the mush barrens)
I usually will replant them but I do honestly have too many trees (according to Isabelle - joy killer) I've been digging some up and trying to sell them here and there.
I like to think by selling them to Nook's he's at least shipping them to some mystery island to be replanted...heh.:sneaky:
If I don't need the tree, I would cut them down, but if I need trees somewhere else, I would dig them up and transport them.
If I need trees in another spot, I will dig them up, but if I don't need them, I will cut them down.
It depends on the amount of free space I have in my pockets. Lately, instead of digging them up or cutting them down, I am using quite often the cleanup service from the Island designer app. It's quick and convenient but you lose the wood material that you would get by cutting trees down.
i almost always dig them up, even if i have no intentions on replanting them; trees that i don’t plan on keeping get sold to nook’s and the ones that i do keep get replanted somewhere else aha.
It really depends on your intention. For my case, I don't want to reduce the number of trees. Hence, I just move them. There were special cases that I need to chop some of them and make way for tree stumps!
Both. I usually dig them up and replant as much as possible but I cut down some that I don't need anymore.