Do you dye your hair?

How often do you dye your hair?

  • A lot!

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • Sometimes.

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Rarely.

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • I haven’t.

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • Other?

    Votes: 3 8.3%

  • Total voters


take me to the sky。.:*♡
Mar 29, 2021
Throwback Tickets
Yellow Bunny Balloon
Blue Bunny Balloon
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Pink Bunny Balloon
Green Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Orange Bunny Balloon
Purple Bunny Balloon
Cyan Bunny Balloon
Red Bunny Balloon
Do you dye your hair, and if so, what colors? I love seeing fun colors personally but I haven’t actually dyed my hair because I like it in its natural state too much and don’t want to damage that. So someday I’m gonna have a handful of different wigs :^)
i get mine done at the salon every few months! most of the time i just get it bleached/highlighted and toned. last summer i went pink until winter and then went back to regular highlights/blonde. sometimes i just want to go back to natural dark brown but then i think about all the time and money that went into getting my hair like this 😮‍💨
I dye my hair. I've been keeping it blue for the past few years, except for a few occasions where it was purple and that time I went ginger for this job that required a natural hair color.

I really do like my hair being dark blue, as I think it's a color that really suits me.
I used to, I started dying my hair when I was in 5th grade.. Kept at it until I finished high school and then stopped because I didn't wanna spend time and money dying it while at college. It's been Black, brown, blonde, platinum blonde, red, auburn.. all the natural colors! I really regret not pushing my mom harder to let me dye my hair a crazy color, especially when I decided to stop being platinum blonde, it would have taken crazy colors so well 😭

Lately I have been planning on dying my hair with henna!
I used to dye it a lot when I was a teenager. I haven't for a while but I would LOVE to have black hair I've always wanted black hair.

Maybe one day I will haha
i used to but i'm kinda lazy with the upkeep. i like my hair being black right now. sometimes i debate about wanting to dye it brown but i end up never really going through with it haha.
I'm naturally blonde and so is my sister.

Mine goes through cycles of darkening and lightening depending on sun exposure. (no exposure joke intended or anything).
Not really. Never needed to because I like it natural. Its fine when others do it but its just not for me.
For a decent while I was dying my hair green, but it’s back to brown at the moment. I wanna go back to green soon though!
part of my hair is currently purple! (took a bit of trial and error getting there tho because it was initially too much of a blue-ish purple) i dye it myself at home :3 i voted sometimes cause i’ll usually try to maintain the colour as it grows out. and with regular trims, once the dyed section has grown out i’ll usually stay with my natural colour until the urge to dye it strikes again!
I've never dyed my hair, and I currently have no plans to do so. I had long hair for years and I never dyed it because I know how long it takes to grow out, and I've always liked my natural hair colour (kind of dark blonde). now I've had it short for a long while and, while I have given some thought to dyeing it since it would only take a few months or more to grow out—I've always wanted a crazy colour like pink—I still like my natural colour enough to not tamper with it. 😊
I went through every color of the rainbow but these day maintaining dyed hair is too much for me. I will dye it again in the future though, I must. My future vision of myself was always to be a pink-haired grandma so just for that, I'm certain I will be dying my hair again when I'm 70 🤣
I’ve only dyed my hair twice ever. But lately I’ve been wanting to dye it ash grey. But I need to bleach my hair to achieve that. And I’m not really okay with that idea.
I've dyed my hair before (black, and a darker shade of brown), but not for a long time. I like my natural hair colour, so I'm very happy with it as it is. 😊💗