Do you ever have to stay up late to finish your homework?

Do you ever have to stay up late to finish homework?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 16 28.6%

  • Total voters
Ahhh junior year of hs is the most important, so I have been killing myself for the past month staying until like 12:00 am every night :( wish grades came effortlessly xD
At the beginning of the year, I'm pretty good at getting my stuff done but as the year goes by I get progressively lazier and lazier so yeah I by that time I have to stay up late because I just kept procrastinating.
For the most part I'd be finished by 10pm, but during senior year I had many late nights typing lab reports and trying to figure out post-lab questions for AP chem. & I'd usually get those done around 2am. I really didn't have time during the day to do any of it and I wouldn't be able to get started until around 6pm, but it'd still take me all night. And the occasional essay I'd leave until the absolute latest.

Hopefully I can get my life sorted out this year so I won't push off research papers and projects and things until last minute.
Yah, last year I normally didn't start it until later in the night (sometimes around 10-11). I've been back to school for 3 days and I have a study hall so hopefully that won't happen as often as last year, at least while I have it.
I've had to yes, when I was in school, especially for reports and stuff. Even when I wasn't procrastinating. The amount of homework we got in school was ridiculous. I'd even sometimes have to finish up in the morning waiting for class to start.
yes, i stayed up late a lot in high school and sometimes i didn't sleep. i had a job and i was involved in school clubs and activities yet i was a huge procrastinator. i started my day at ~6 AM and my homework at ~11 PM. on top of that, i had a lot of AP homework so i had to stay up late or pull all nighters :/
I have 20 pages of Maths homework and 3 Psychology essays to write in the next 2 weeks.
Please send help and coffee
No, in school I did as much homework as needed to not be caught not doing everything. Here our homework never gets collected, we just spent the first half of a class comparing our answers.
I'd usually do more homework the next day in school, the class before I needed it.
no. back in school I used to do my homework seconds before the teacher comes in. I also would do it in class right after the teacher says "that's your homework", my friends would help me out with it that's why homework is done in no time
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Oh I hated doing my homework back in school. I would always procrastinate till the end, sometimes ending up finishing it in the morning. Somehow just sitting and staring at a wall was way more interesting than writing essays or doing math. I'm so glad I don't have homework now that i'm a grown up.
Yes, due to procrastination. I get to school early regularly now, so I now use that time to complete homework. I could stay at home for longer and do it, but doing it at school helps for some reason, maybe because I'm in a 'work mindset'. So pretty much, I will complete it at school asap wherever possible.
Screenshot 2016-08-28 at 10.29.15 PM.png

Seriously though. My whole college experience. There were days when I'd call my mom crying because I just got out of three classes, all of which were 2 hours each, only to find that I had 14+ hours of homework to finish by the next day. I hated college. So glad I've graduated and never have to go back.
I remember doing that in high school because I was in AP classes. Awful- all nighters sometimes. Now I stay up late finishing work sometimes. xP It never ends kiddos.
I've always been really efficient in doing my work which taught me to procrastinate without much of a penalty. Even in Computer Science now at Uni I rarely do more than 2 hours of homework a night (usually none) and I got a good GPA. Thankfully volunteer experience and work experience has taught me to work with excellence and professionalism, so the workplace will be no huge issue for me.
ahahahhaa no :T

I always do it at:
-1- Afternoon
-2- At morning before i get out of my house
-3- QUICKLY BEFORE THE CLASS STARTS D: (usually would just end what i left incomplete)
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