Do you ever let the game choose you a new villager?

Do you let random villagers move in?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 15.5%
  • No

    Votes: 63 44.4%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 57 40.1%

  • Total voters


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I see loads of people inviting campsite villagers and mystery island villagers, but very few seem to let the AI/'void' decide. I won't lie, I don't trust it for the most part, either.

But a while back, I forgot to go island hopping, and someone moved in. I was worried about who it was, but it turned out to be pretty good - it was Chief, from someone's void! I tried it a couple more times, and ended up with Spike (...) and Avery (who was a pleasant surprise, because I'd stupidly left him on a mystery island a month ago when I was looking for a popular villager just because - minutes later, I realized I should be playing for myself, and regretted leaving Avery behind). All three were void villagers, and only Avery had alterations to his home.

So how about other people? Have you ever allowed the empty housing plot to be claimed by a random villager? If so, did you like the villager, or...?
I did once and never again.
I got the already hideous Timbra and she was gifted with a peach hat. She looked like a toy from grown ups to play with if you get what I mean.
And I dont even mean that in a hyperbolic way. She looked like it.

Ever since then, it's amiibo only for me.
i kept some of my starters, but other than ursula, tybalt, and filbert, everyone else i chose from island hopping or bought online

i dont want to let any of my islanders leave, so no random move-ins for me
the one time i tried i got cesar, then i was like no thank you this is not for me, lemme go look for my dream babies
I put sometimes because I am sometimes in the mood for a random if I island hunt for a while and come up short. I haven't done it in a long time though. The last time I did it, Dom moved in. I planned to move him out, but he grew on me. I've had him ever since!
First two villagers were random but I stopped when I found out full islands get stuck with other players voids.
I have 2 island and everything was going well until the 3rd random villager moved in. The villager was from my 2nd island that moved out months ago. It's disappointing that the Devs didn't use the clear the void in a full town like ACNL. Once you cleared the void in that game no towns got stuck with that villager. I now just use Amiibo cards to move new villagers in.
No, because when you allow the game to fill your plot, a lot of times what happens is you get a villager that was recently moved out from someone else's island and the problem is it could be a gifted villagers meaning to say they have bugs or fish in their home that nobody would want if you were trying to trade them away. So unless you want a villager with no gifts or anything that ruins their décor you have to either find a villager you like on a mystery island or invite them with amiibo for the campsite.
I had the game fill it in once when it shouldn't have. The very first day a lot was empty, it was already claimed, which I know shouldn't happen. This was earlier on in the game's life, so I figure it must have been a bug. Tammy was the one I got that time, and I was very unhappy about it, but she wound up being my very first villager to move off. The second time I let the game do it, just to see what I would get, and it took like FIVE DAYS for the plot to be claimed. That time it was Groucho, whom I also was incredibly unhappy with. The last time I did it, which was actually a while ago, I got Breed, and funnily enough one of my best friends' just had her move onto his island from my void.
I did that once when I ran out of tickets and decided to let the game do it for me, and ended up with Olaf wearing Billie Eilish merch.

Never. Again.
Lmao sorry I had to laugh a little at this image you’ve created!
I did that once when I ran out of tickets and decided to let the game do it for me, and ended up with Olaf wearing Billie Eilish merch.

Never. Again.
I am so terribly sorry that that happened to you. But yeah, I definitely also laughed at this. No doubt I'd be quite peeved if this happened to me and would gladly use an Amiibo card to fix it.
i don't but i did it the other day because i genuinely forgot i had an open plot and i was time travelling like there was no tomorrow, tbh i didn't really care since i was about to replace my villagers with the sanrio ones
but then i straight up got rosie as a random move in, after waiting many years for rosie to live in my ac town, she decides to show up when i'm about to replace everyone 😂
i got her amiibo last year so i can get her whenever but it was still pretty annoying lol
I am so terribly sorry that that happened to you. But yeah, I definitely also laughed at this. No doubt I'd be quite peeved if this happened to me and would gladly use an Amiibo card to fix it.
Yeah now I finally managed to invest in real amiibo cards so luckily, I no longer have this problem :D
No. Since I prefer having species diversity and also personality diversity, I wouldn't want to risk a move-in throwing things off balance. Plus I never let my villagers leave except through replacing them with campsite villagers, so I don't get the chance anyways, lol
I let my first snooty and cranky be random move-ins, but I haven't had the chance since. I guess in a way I do it sort of pseudo-random, cuz lately the main way I move people in is just wait for a day with a campsite visitor, and if it's someone I like I'll have them replace someone I'm trying to get rid of. If someone were to move out naturally, I'd definitely let someone random move in.