Do you ever let the game choose you a new villager?

Do you let random villagers move in?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 15.5%
  • No

    Votes: 63 44.4%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 57 40.1%

  • Total voters
I wouldnt mind letting the game choose for me, however, im too scared that the game will start choosing the same villagers personality for my island and drive me crazy so instead what i do is:
- Enjoy my villagers until i get the picture
- once they ask to leave if i have their picture i let them go
- next day i go island hunting for the same personality type that left, i take the first one i find without discriminating or selecting so to say.

For me this method works as it makes it fun and i make sure that i have all personality types on my island as well as been able to meet everyone since i never go looking for anyone specific, thats how i met Clyde a villager i thought i would ever like and somehow i think he might be one of my most loved villagers !
sometimes yeah. that's how i got rolf and judy (island hopping and random move in). it's fun to see who i get and if i'll end up liking them or not.
I did once when I was still learning about how the whole moving villager thing worked. I got Gloria, which wasn't too bad. She stayed on my island for a few months before I kicked her out to find a villager that was more suitable for my theme. Not a bad experience by any means, but I'd rather pick my own villagers via island hopping and Amiibo.
Some of my current villagers were random and the game made good choices but it has one strike... Spork (sorry if somebody likes him... I just can't...) but now I'm aiming to have the villagers I really want so no more random move-ins again
I was a spare plot this week and was too busy to go villager hunting so I left it up to chance. Bruce moved in, which isn’t awful (I like deer villagers).
I like surprises, so I let the game decide a few times. I got Rex, Hopper and Amelia. I wasn't too happy about Amelia, but she has grown on me, so she stays. I have a hard time letting villagers go. I wish I could, because there are so many that I would love to have. When the ones i'm not as crazy about ask to leave, i think " now's my chance", but I just can't do it. I love Ketchup, and have her amiibo, but she will probably never get to live in my town. It's so silly.
What if you gave yourself a time that it's acceptable to let someone go, to give someone new a chance? Like after you've had a villager for at least 6 months or something like that? You could even tie a time limit in with a goal, like getting their picture, or celebrating their birthday with them at least once.

I always would let villagers leave when they asked no matter what - although once I got Fang I knew that he will be the one villager I will never, ever let leave. But then I realized that there were some villagers I let leave that I really wish I hadn't, because I didn't spend that much time with them. Katt was my starting Sisterly, and she quickly grew on me and became a favorite, and yet I let her leave in May. I wound up really regretting that. Then I had Melba, and she was probably only around for about a month before she asked to leave and once again I said okay... only to end up being really sorry I hadn't kept her for longer. Most recently I had Audie, whom I got in November, and she left earlier this month. So I had her for about four months all together and yet I still wound up regretting my decision on letting her leave.

Looking at the villagers I have now, the only ones I had at the beginning of the year are Merry, Boone, and Celia. Merry I have had since March; she was my first Peppy villager. And I'm ready for her to leave, as she has been with me for so long now. It's been almost a year! But Boone? I got him a little bit after I had gotten Audie, and I'm not as attached to him, so yeah, I'm ready for him to go too. Celia definitely cannot go - I actually got her in late December, so I've only had her a few months, and her birthday is tomorrow, as is mine. My birthday twin! So I already knew that I wasn't going to let her leave until after our birthday, although she hasn't asked yet anyway. But the others? They're all newer this year, and I've realized that I'm just letting them leave way too soon. Now I'm planning on keeping them around for longer, unless they're one that I really don't care for that much for whatever reason.

And to get back on topic, I have also decided that the next villager I get will be one chosen by the game to fill in an empty lot. Right now I don't have a Lazy, but I'm wondering: does "the void" supercede the missing personality type on your island when filling in an empty plot? I guess I'll find out when that time comes, but wondering if anyone else knows.
Nope, I still have far too many villagers to cycle through for posters to risk getting one I don't need.

I do take whatever random ones the mystery islands and campsite throw at me as long as I still need to unlock them.
No, because I've been burned too many times from random move-ins. In this game and especially when I played NL. My most hated villager was a random move-in in my old NL town. Even my starting two villagers in this game were ones I would never personally invite to my island. They also were among the first ones to leave because I ignored no I don't trust the game with random move-ins.
No, I like the idea in theory but I tried it once and ended up with a villager I really didn't like. I don't do island hopping either anymore though, it takes too long. I rely on random campsite or amiibo.
It depends if I'm in need of a specific villager and/or personality or not. On my previous island I let many random villagers to move in, I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't always a success... But on this island I got Clay, Nan and Diana randomly so it wasn't that bad.
See, sometimes I will do that but every time I get inspired to let "fate" decide the next inhabitant, I get stuck with someone that I absolutely cannot stand. Like Barold. Barold makes me shiver with discomfort. He reminds me of so many types of people that I do not like. And for some reason the game knows that, and decides to plague me with him any chance it has. So I always get burned by this haha. Because it barely ever results well. But it is a nice concept. And if I had better luck, I'd probably do it all the time. I'm too controlling though in the end I think. And too opposed to Barold.
I don't really do this in New Horizons but this is pretty much how I played in the older games. I'd get attached to the random villagers who moved in, then they'd end up becoming my favorites. In New Horizons I know exactly which villagers I want, but they originally became my favorites through random chance.
I really like seeing new villagers, so in general once I’ve got their photo every villager is free to move out. I then like to go on Nook Tours to see if I can find anyone interesting but if I can’t be bothered with that I just let the game pick. I’ve gotten some really cool and interesting villagers that way!
The one and only time I ever let a plot autofill was ages ago when I hadn't had my island for that long.

The AC gods must have being on my side that day because I checked to see who had moved in and it was Diana... I was beyond happy because she is one of my favourite villagers.

I haven't let a plot auto fill since because I don't think I will be that lucky again. 😂
yes! my first few villager were random, and some of them I just wanted to leave as quickly as possible, but some are still on my island today
I also just didn't realise when I started the game that I could go island hopping for my villagers haha... haha.

I had a few fun surprises, Maple was my random normal and Erik was my random lazy (bless this game for both) I got Tybalt as a random as well and kept him on my island until a few weeks ago! he became my fave jock ^-^ Camofrog was my random cranky, I didn't mind him but I didn't love him, at the time I wanted cute villagers and he didn't fit that idea to me

The ones I did not end up liking were Greta, the classy mouse (I did LOVE her house, both interior and facade) and Rodney, the hated hamster (..... yeah) and Hopper, the angry penguin (his eyebrows were so distracting, I remember not going to his bday party because I wanted him OUT)

my other first villagers were Ruby, who I picked up on my second island visit (I fell in love and still have her with me!) and the ones we start with on the island were Phoebe and Rowan (meh, I made both leave)

so yeah.. I got kinda lucky with Maple and Erik (Tybalt too), but I also got some reaaaly ugly ones so I guess it compensates.
I've had three fill the spot, Lobo and Annalise, they came from the void. The other was Tucker who moved away. I know I am extremely lucky because they've either been really cute or I've known them from previous games. Lobo was from my best friend who visited me to give me stuff as well as Tucker but the funny thing was I have Lobo in amiibo (card) form so I havent had to used it yet lol and Annalise well I had her once in Wild World so I'm kinda glad she came to live with me but not so happy that I have 3 peppy.
I like to go villager hunting on deserted islands when I have an empty plot! I usually find someone I like that way. Though I'd like to leave it up to chance sometime. I kind of miss having 2-3 rotating villagers in my town. Kept things fresh
Not if I can help it. I always try to find one on an island. There have only been a couple times that the game moved someone in without giving me a chance to look. Hamphrey and Flip(I think?) were the results. Hamphrey was ok just a run of the mill grumpy hamster but flip was a jock and I already had tank( I can only stand so much muscle talk) I bought hoppers amiibo card and kicked him out.