I did twice, really early on. I got T-Bone and Curlos, I hated them both to be honest (though by the time I finally, finally got rid of T-Bone, he'd grown on me more than I expected). I can't remember how I got T-Bone exactly, but I remember Curlos very well. He was one of my best friend's first villagers when she got the game, a bit after I did. She hated him with a burning passion and spent ages trying to get him to leave. Then, immediately after he finally left her island? He moved right into mine. xD I was sooo annoyed by it, and how long it took me to get him to leave! Back when that happened though I didn't know how moving out villagers worked in this game, and I actually had no idea you could invite them from mystery islands!! Once I found that out, while trying to get him to leave, that's the only way I've moved in villagers since, other than inviting them from my best friend's island. I like island hopping so, I'll usually just pick a criteria and look for someone I like enough to keep. c: I finally got my first amiibo villagers with the Sanrio card pack, and moved one in, it's the first time I've gotten to move someone in with the campsite too. ^^
I've had the game auto fill 2 spots that I remember. One was early on because I didn't know spots filled so quickly... Norma moved in. Not ideal. The feeling must have been mutual because she asked to move out the day after she arrived. I let her go.
The second time was somewhat recently. Someone I was planning to move out asked to leave, so I let them go to go villager island hopping, which I hadn't done since the beginning of the game. I quickly remembered why I don't go island hopping, because about 10 islands in, and not having any luck at all, I was getting bored... so I gave up and said I'll leave it to fate. Next day, plot sold to Diva. Oh no. She moves in, and not only is she Diva, but she's from someone's void who gave her some huge sunglasses. She was out within hours.
I love the void giving me new islanders, but I also have way too many I want on my island so I leave one spot open for rotation, haha. Everyone else stays! (Until inevitably I get bored and rotate them too)