Do you ever let the game choose you a new villager?

Do you let random villagers move in?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 15.5%
  • No

    Votes: 63 44.4%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 57 40.1%

  • Total voters
originally, i only let random villagers move in if i ran out of time/tickets villager hunting. now that i'm only down to two (technically three, but i've regrettably grown attached to henry) non-dreamie-filled spots left, i let the game fill them automatically for me instead of island-hopping. i want to encounter some new and/or familiar faces (and grab some more pictures) before i lock in my final villager selection. unfortunately, the game is currently only giving me my sister and my girlfriend's rejects. right now i have leopold from my girlfriend and tangy from my sister. (i have leopold's photo though so he's good to go as soon as he asks.) since my sister time travels, she's gone through dozens of villagers, which means i probably have a massive backlog to go through before i ever get truly random ones. fortunately, my girlfriend recently kicked out hopkins (who i adore) so maybe if i'm lucky...
I did when I started the game, I purposely refused to visit anyone until I had all my first plots randomly filled. But now I do too much online activity and I don't want someone else's leftovers lol

I actually like the random though. Even if I get someone I hate it's fun to have a villager you don't like sometimes and see how they interact with your faves, also it forces you to try out villagers you may not have wanted to give a chance before. It just feels really true to the spirit of AC to me 🤷‍♀️

If there was an easier way to clear out the villagers in our move in queues / void without just cycling through them I would love to take some randoms.
I have a lot of amiibo cards now but occasionally, I'll let the game pick a villager for me and then, if I don't like them, I move them out asap using an amiibo villager.

Recently, on my gothic island, I missed the chance to go on mystery island tours to fill a plot and the game did it for me and gave me Rodeo, who is perfect for the goth island!
I either have my dreamies or can scan them in with amiibo cards right now. So I just give myself a limit of 20 or 39 nmt tickets to find someone or let the game move someone in for me. If I don't like whoever was in my void I can just kick them out right away
I decided when i reset my island that i was going to let the game give me completely random villagers until i get to 3 stars
i regret that a lot because i ended up getting all my friends terrible villagers who moved out and were in the void and now they wont leave :')
i have 3 villagers out of like 8 that i even remotely like and those are kid cat, rosie and tia (rosie i got on an island though and kid cat was a starter)
I've been burned too many times from plot cycling in NL to let the game randomly choose me a villager. For NH I go full on amiibo or do extensive island grinding. Even the campsite villagers have all been meh or get-away-from-me. My luck is trash with villagers most of the time, and luck mechanics aren't even in this game :')

The only times I've 'let' the game choose for me is when I was island hopping on Natsukashi for a villager to move in. I was looking for Raymond specially but I would also take any villager that seemed cool enough. That's how I got Avery & Kidd, both who will be staying on Natsukashi.
The only time I ever let the game give me random villagers was the forced smug villager.

I had to keep resetting until I got the uchi (Frita) & jock (Rod) I liked as starters. Then I went island hopping for the first mormal (Gayle), lazy (Lucky) & peppy (Bianca) villagers. After getting the forced smug (Curlos), I went island hopping again for the rest. Even until now, either I go amiibo or island hopping.
I don't let random villagers move in. I got all mine through the campsite. I have voided several villagers, including Judy, Diana, and Skye, before I got Switch Online, so whoever has visited me might pick up something nice from my void. (I hope.)
If it wasn't for the void holding so many villagers and keeping them around forever, I'd love to have random move ins lol
but with only visiting two people since I started my new island, my void is already full, so I just get all of their move outs instead of randoms

On my last island, I had the same Hans move in to my island 3 times because he kept getting bounced back and forth between me and my friends' island : /
Sometimes, as I really don't mind who I get, they're going to move out eventually anyways.

I've only done this twice though. The first was purely an accident, I time traveled incorrectly and filled in the empty plot, I ended up getting Tipper, whom I was annoyed with at first, but she grew into a villager I genuinely liked. The second time was on purpose and I ended up with someone's Wolfgang, he was only gifted one item which I was happy for.
Two plots auto-filled on me and they didn’t turn out to bad: The first time was when I had first started and didn’t know they would fill that fast I had gotten Cyrano. The second time was when I started my second island. The plot for my first lazy auto filled with Rodeo.
It’s what I usually do. I really want Muffy and Alice and am tempted to buy them, but I think it’d be sweeter to have them come to me (if they ever do) than to force them onto my island. Having villagers come and go helps keep things alive.

I’m getting to know villagers I otherwise wouldn’t have, like Opal, who I got on with so well. Too bad I let her move.
i did on my original island, ended up with pompom, astrid, and i think flora? all cute choices to me but i still prefer finding someone while on mystery islands
Yea i did
Bam - starter villager
Agnes - starter villager
Erik - auto fill
Molly - auto fill
Chrissy - auto fill
Kyle - auto fill by 1st campsite
Clay - invited from island
Mergengue - invited from island
Beau - invited from island
Monty - auto fill
Raymond - auto fill after Monty moved out

Then i am keeping them till now since April xD
Honestly, I never knew about cycling/moving out mechanics in Wild World and gritted my teeth through New Leaf's random villagers; I found this forum largely in hopes to get Lolly back when she moved out unexpectedly in New Leaf... (which I did not get to do). I was unaware of (and then unable to get) amiibos until recently.

For New Horizons, I reset a few times until I got Fuschia (...I befriended her in NL and felt kind of bad abandoning her) and Buck (...) and set up the three free homes and got Sherb, Kit and Olivia. While I'm not thrilled with my starters, (Buck has just moved out... only a little TTing to get that going oops) I want to get the other three's pictures before I start moving my amiibos in; and even after I'm certain I'll let the game pick and then if I hate the answer - there's always my Flora and Julian amiibos!
Nah I’m a control freak when it comes to games lol, I used amiibos for all my favs and then went island hopping for Judy. I think all villagers are good and have their fans, I just really want the ones I like most haha. Games of chance aren’t my thing yo.
I'll only let random villagers move in if I run out of time given how difficult it is to get rid of them. Those villagers tend to avoid moving out for what seems to be very long periods of time while all the ones you want to stay keep asking you to go.