Do you feel pretty?

Most days, I'd say so. I struggled with my body image for a long time, and I definitely still have some bad days sometimes, but I've come a long way in my self-image, I think. Even if I'm not having the best of self-confidence days, it helps to remember that looks are a rather shallow thing anyway, and there's plenty of other qualities I value in a person above their appearance. If someone wants to see a person as lesser because of something that's largely outside of their control, they're probably not the sort of person you really want to be around anyway.
Not really to be honest, I gotta lose some weight and take better care of myself in general. Even then I won't be happy with the way I look, thats just how it be

Although, there is the rare occasion where I feel pretty based on what I'm wearing
I am not pretty by any means, but I'm not downright ugly either. In fact, I get a little irked when people tell me to look good for an occasion. Just let me rock my own looks lol.
not at all tbh — in fact, i can count on my two hands the number of times i’ve felt genuinely pretty in the past 20 years. confidence and self-image are things i’ve struggled with my whole life, and i just… hate how i look so much, especially when i compare myself to other people (which is pretty much always). for as long as i can remember, i’ve felt as if i’m some weird, foreign alien that isn’t supposed to be here and that is too different from other people, and that’s why my life and the lives of those who know me personally are so challenging because me being here disturbs something in the universe, and my appearance heightens that idea for me a lot. i just feel so out-of-place next to other people because of the way i look, and it affects me and the things i do/don’t do way more than it should. hell, one of the reasons i don’t interact with people more often irl is because i think i’m too ugly to do so. i dislike my nose, my skin, my entire body, my face, my everything. physically, the only things i really like about myself are my eyes and my hair. my eyes are my favourite thing about myself, especially when i’ve got mascara on.

i feel somewhat pretty (or at the very least, decent looking) when i’ve got a full-face of makeup on, but that’s about it. i also feel less embarrassed about the way i look when i’ve got a mask on, which is every time i go out. it doesn’t hide my body, but it at least hides the parts of my face that i’m insecure about.

i feel the way you felt next to your friend pretty much all the time, but there are two instances that stand out the most. the first was when i was in 8th grade, and my class and i were walking back from the park. my friend and i were walking side by side when i noticed our shadows. she was pretty skinny, and her shadow reflected that whereas i wasn’t skinny at all, and my shadow looked like a toadstool. it obviously wasn’t my friend’s fault, nor have i ever spoken of this out loud, but that moment + her constantly calling herself fat when i was much, much bigger than her made me feel like ****. the second happened a year later when a ‘friend’ of mine and i were live-streaming on instagram (her idea. i felt so stupid 😭). someone joined for some reason and immediately complimented my friend and blatantly ignored me. again, not my friend’s fault and she was pretty, but it still felt like ****.

i’m afraid i don’t really have any advice for you other than to try and not be like me. be the attractive people that you are, but be good people, too, and don’t let how you look control your life.
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Absolutely not lol. I know that I've never been physically attractive by any means. I'm overweight so of course that isn't conventionally pleasing to the eye. I used to be a lot more self conscious when I was younger, but it's kinda mulled down a bit. I'm not bothered about my own appearance as much anymore, only occasionally.
Pretty isn't the right word, but I like how I look. I have no problem attracting attention and I receive a lot of compliments on my style. I go for an alternative and androgynous aesthetic and I'm heavily pierced and tattooed. I have invested a lot of time, money, and energy into achieving a specific appearance and whenever I tire of it I change it up.
Sometimes I do ^^
But there are times where just feel like a mess XDDD
it depends. when im at home i feel pretty but when im at school i automatically become the ugliest girl on the planet. my school recently got rid of their mask requirement so majority of people don’t wear one now but i still do, not so much because of corona but because i feel like i look ugly. i am self conscious about literally everything at school, even about normal things like eating.
Hahaha no. I don't think I'm hideous or anything, but my level of acne that won't go away does not do me any favours. Even if my face wasn't scarred and red from all the acne, I don't think I look attractive or pretty anyway. Just a regular lookin person. Makeup doesn't help either. Not that I've ever gone full blown makeup thou.
Ehhh.. Honestly, it depends! Sometimes I feel really pretty, other days I actively avoid looking in a mirror because I hate how I look 🤷‍♀️ I've struggled with my self image for years, I was bullied horrendously all through school - I had braces aged 9 because my teeth were so terrible, and the bullies just ... Latched onto that and tore down every ounce of confidence I may have had at the time! It carried on right the way through primary school and into my academy years; I left in my 4th year (age 16) because the bullying was so bad .... It was always my looks these people picked on me for - and it happened again a few years ago (I was about 24 at the time) with one of those old school bullies randomly messaging me on facebook to tell me how ugly I was/calling me 'horse face'/telling me I shouldn't ever post selfies etc ...

Nowadays, I can definitely feel pretty if I put in the effort to fix up my hair and add a touch of makeup. Since masks became a thing I basically stopped wearing my full getup of makeup products, I'll maybe use a touch of concealer under my eyes and some mascara and eyeliner ...

I'm slowly working on my confidence issues (my fiance is a great help with that!), but I don't think I'll ever feel 'naturally pretty' after going through so many years of people picking on me for my looks 😅 it's sort of ingrained into my brain that I'm not attractive at all unless I make a huge amount of effort!
no, i never feel pretty unless i'm in lolita. but i dont really care that im ugly, i already found my S/O so i dont have to impress anyone with my looks.
My perception of myself shifts from day to day - even within the day, several times sometimes. Sometimes I think I'm pretty, sometimes I think I'm hideous. =/
Yeah a lot of the time I do, especially when I'm wearing makeup and a nice outfit. When I'm feeling particularly depressed (or when I'm on my period lol) I tend to criticize my appearance more.

I lost a lot of weight in 2020 and since then I've felt a lot more confident about my looks, I used to be chubby and got bullied a little in school (not mainly for my weight, but I guess because I was socially awkward, insecure, and weird-looking). I think my personality has also changed a lot since then, I'm much more secure in myself now and won't put up with people being rude to me lmao, I've been told I'm intimidating now, which is exactly the vibe I want

I take a lot of care in my appearance (except when I'm at home) because I genuinely like fashion and experimenting with style! I liked clothes when I was younger too, but they never looked how I wanted them to look on me because of my weight...
eh. a little bit?
like, i guess i could look worse but im..alright with how i look now.
No and I will never. Whats also running me is being a tomboy, I wish I can look good in my nice plaid skirts but I don't have anything that'll go with it. I only look "fine" is plain clothes. In general I don't look good in girly clothes. I collect dolls and every time I wish to be pretty as them. I even made a mini me but it's not accurate because I made sure I made her look prettier and better.