not at all tbh — in fact, i can count on my two hands the number of times i’ve felt genuinely pretty in the past 20 years. confidence and self-image are things i’ve struggled with my whole life, and i just… hate how i look so much, especially when i compare myself to other people (which is pretty much always). for as long as i can remember, i’ve felt as if i’m some weird, foreign alien that isn’t supposed to be here and that is too different from other people, and that’s why my life and the lives of those who know me personally are so challenging because me being here disturbs something in the universe, and my appearance heightens that idea for me a lot. i just feel so out-of-place next to other people because of the way i look, and it affects me and the things i do/don’t do way more than it should. hell, one of the reasons i don’t interact with people more often irl is because i think i’m too ugly to do so. i dislike my nose, my skin, my entire body, my face, my everything. physically, the only things i really like about myself are my eyes and my hair. my eyes are my favourite thing about myself, especially when i’ve got mascara on.
i feel somewhat pretty (or at the very least, decent looking) when i’ve got a full-face of makeup on, but that’s about it. i also feel less embarrassed about the way i look when i’ve got a mask on, which is every time i go out. it doesn’t hide my body, but it at least hides the parts of my face that i’m insecure about.
i feel the way you felt next to your friend pretty much all the time, but there are two instances that stand out the most. the first was when i was in 8th grade, and my class and i were walking back from the park. my friend and i were walking side by side when i noticed our shadows. she was pretty skinny, and her shadow reflected that whereas i wasn’t skinny at all, and my shadow looked like a toadstool. it obviously wasn’t my friend’s fault, nor have i ever spoken of this out loud, but that moment + her constantly calling herself fat when i was much, much bigger than her made me feel like ****. the second happened a year later when a ‘friend’ of mine and i were live-streaming on instagram (her idea. i felt so stupid

). someone joined for some reason and immediately complimented my friend and blatantly ignored me. again, not my friend’s fault and she
was pretty, but it still felt like ****.
i’m afraid i don’t really have any advice for you other than to try and not be like me. be the attractive people that you are, but be
good people, too, and don’t let how you look control your life.