Do you generally get along better with younger people or older people?

i talk to mostly people my age but i tend to get along w ppl younger than me
I'd say I can get along with anyone really, except young kids. Like, maybe 9 and below. I'm not a kids person, I find them annoying and rude. Not all kids, some are more polite then their parents, but still.
Both older and younger people. I like having mature discussions with adults older than me, but I can also get along well with people younger than me as well. It really just depends on the person.
i'll put it this way, they don't want to experience the alternative of getting along with me...

no, but i don't like babies or toddlers or kids under 13, taught enough daddy lucifer's cherubs for a lifetime and i'm only 26.
Age doesn’t determine whether I can get along with someone or not, it depends on the individual! The majority of friends I’ve made throughout my life have been a year or two younger than me, though.
I'd say both, though I don't think age determines whether I get along with them or not. I have more friends who're around my age and slightly older, than younger.
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Generally I get along with older people, especially in a working situation. The majority of the co workers I've gotten close with have all been significantly older than I am. I actually got really close with a 50 year old woman I worked with and ended up going to a new job with her.

But I noticed there's a big difference between people working for "fun money" and the people that have to pay bills. I've been out of my parents house for years now and I have bills and textbooks to pay for, so I never really had any interest in becoming close friends with some of the other people my age who went to work to goof off.
I'm 32 now and have friends ranging from early 20's to early 50's. Funny thing is that there's not much difference in how I interact with them. They're all young at heart and have similar interests. Usually my boyfriend and I invite several of them over and they all get along. Mostly talking about music, vinyl, movies, art, games and such. I like how passionate they are about things and how we keep discovering new gems every time we meet. I'm glad to have this variety of generations to talk to.
I'm 19 and I find I get along a bit better with people older than me, my closest friends are 22 and 39.
Older. It really depends on the person but I usually have trouble getting along with people my age or younger.
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definitely older! I always got along better with the teachers than students in school, and I was That Kid that sat in the front of the bus to talk to the bus driver. I miss you bob LOL
i think all ages? depends on the people haha.

i like to think i have more in common with people my age :)
older/close in age

It completely depends on the other person. I think a lot of people even my own age have kind of a.... social barrier maybe? older people talk to strangers a lot more, younger people are more reserved.
It depends. In "real life", I can get along well with almost anyone (regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, political affiliation etc.), providing that they are at least genuinely decent individuals who were taught manners and aren't insufferable to behold.

Online, I certainly get better along with others around my own age (not too young, not too old, somewhere in between).
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Typically older. I'm not sure what it is but I seem to relate to older people more, people typically in their later 20s or 30s rather than my own age. That said, I do have my share of younger pals but by younger I mean early 20s.