Do you generally get along better with younger people or older people?

Depends; age doesn't measure maturity or if you'll get along.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. I am constantly surrounded by people who are, on average, fifteen years older than me. I get along with the majority, but some are still stuck in their high-school phase.
Back in high school, older people. I had no friends in high school except for some of my teachers. I talked about hockey, history and politics with some of my teachers.
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In person, I feel like even though I have friends who are all around my age. sometimes i have trouble connecting with them since my anxiety is severe and even though a few may have anxiety, they sometimes get annoyed by me even though they should know by now that I have anxiety. Then aside from video games, none of them really like history.

Back in high school, I definitely didn’t connect with most of people in the grades below me.

Now, I’d like to say that I get a long with more of a variety — at least online. I’ve always been okay interacting with people online.
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Younger people, but my friends are all the same age as me, only a few months younger.
I get along with people my age. Older people make me uncomfortable and especially younger people.
The only older (i guess) people that don't make me uncomfortable are my sibling's friends. Surprisingly older family members (even my parents) make me most uncomfortable.
I'd probably say older people I'm 26 and I don't really know/interact with anyone that is much younger than that
I don't really know. Probably older people since they'd most likely relate to a lot of things I find cool, humorous, difficult, or whatever else.
Mixed. I have friends both older and younger than me. Like others have said, age isn’t always a good measure of maturity.

As long as you’re chill and can hold a decent conversation, you’re cool in my book.
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i can get along with almost anyone, regardless of their age, but i feel more comfortable with people who are older or the same age as me. that being said, i can get along with younger people but it depends on how much younger they are.

for example, i don’t really interact with anybody under the age of 15 because our brains are at different stages of development + our maturity levels are also quite different and so, interactions might go a little weirdly aha
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I'm in my mid-to-late twenties now and I have tended to have friends that are younger than me most of my life. I'd like to think that it's because I have younger siblings and I'm more used to/comfortable with younger people.
I hate kids my age. Yes if you are 18-24 you are still a kid. The only friends I have who are my age are internet friends. Almost all of my irl friends are older.
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Im also the youngest of 7 siblings so that might have something to do with it.
idk, i havent noticed that i get along with a particular generation any better than others. ppl have told me that im good with seniors, but i wouldnt say i get along better with them than other age groups per se.
I usually get along with people who are older than me (although I do have some younger friends). I’ve always assumed that it’s just because I’m the youngest child out of 4, I’m more used to being around people who are older than me. Especially since a lot of people I’ve been friends with, I met because they were my siblings’ friends first.
I find it much less stressful to be around older people. They rarely seem as judgmental or unfiltered as kids and teens (from what I’ve seen). That kind of explains why I only have a few friends who are younger than me.
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I've actually found younger people to be less judgemental than older people. I get along best with people around my own age (18-24), but I've been told I'm good with kids too. With older people I don't know what to say and they often don't take me seriously bc I'm younger and have a baby face lol.
It depends. Sometimes I feel more comfortable talking to people my age or a bit older because we have more in common, and other times I feel more at ease talking to someone around my parent's age or older because I feel I can learn something from listening to them.
Generally I prefer avoiding conversations if I can, though. 😅
It really depends. I am 19 but most of my friends are in their early twenties. But then one of my best friends is only 18. Then my other best friend is gonna be 20 in a few days, so... lol. I get along better with people my age, I think. However a lot of my friends are older than me... >w>
When I'm thrown into an unfamiliar place, for whatever reason I just vibe with the older people better. I'm pretty quiet and withdrawn, so people my age and younger can be too high-energy for me to handle. At least as far as meeting new people goes. All of my friends are my age or slightly younger.