Do you generally get along better with younger people or older people?

In terms of large age gaps, definitely older people. Obviously, the closer we get in the age, the more it doesn't matter if someone is younger. Maybe up to 6 years younger is fine.

Returning to college as 27 years old a few years back really opened my eyes. I really thought beforehand that I still was not much different from an 18 year old, even at that age... But no (and, really, it was a surprise, because I was at a different university a few years earlier, and the freshmen then didn't give me this vibe). The 18-20 year olds there were like children to me. Lol. It's not as big of a deal as I make it. I still made plenty of acquaintances and some friends there that are like 8-9 years younger than me, but that's probably because I can be pretty adaptable.
Like others have said, age doesn't always measure maturity. I don't think to ask someone's age when I meet them, and I'm usually wrong about their age when I find out anyways, since general interests and hobbies aren't locked to an age group. I also grew up in a culture (Korea) where there's a social hierarchy system when it comes to age. There's a way to address someone or act around someone based on their age, even if you disagree with them. When meeting for the first time in social gatherings, people would tend to ask "what year are you born?" or "when did you graduate"? Sometimes that feeling of hierarchy made it hard for me to make genuine friends. I really hated that, so after I moved out of Korea I never try to ask anyone their age when I meet them. If we have common interests we'll probably stay friends and if we don't, we wont. I think people who are +/- 5 years than me aren't really much different maturity wise anyways. My IRL friends are generally the same age or older than me, while my online friends are generally younger.
I think I can get along with just about anyone for a time, but I tend to enjoy the company of a younger crowd for some reason. They're malleable and new to the world. Things are both more exciting and more terrifying. Doing something on a whim is much easier with a young crowd. There are no children. No major responsibilities. Just a good time to be had by all.
I struggle getting along w either sometimes, there are definite pros and cons and I think it depends on the person in particular. as a general rule I would've said that I usually got along better with people older than me but my fiancé is a year and a half younger than me and is the best friend I've ever had so who knows tbh!!
I get along much better with older people. Most of my friends are hovering around my age (29) or older. My best friend is 36 and I have very few friends who are younger than 25. I was born 15 years after the second-youngest in my family so I'm used to and more comfortable socializing with older folks. More often than not they're lacking those pretenses and insecurities you see so much in younger people. Mind you, I'm not even 30 so 'younger people' for me are p much low-twenties and teens, so the insecurity is a given. Still, it's annoying.

I find it genuinely hard to relate to Gen Zers. I think it's because the bulk of them are currently at that age where they think they know everything but know nothing at all. That youthful arrogance and ignorance just don't do it for me. I have a few friends from that generation and they're fine, mostly, but sometimes they'll say or do something that really shows their age (or lack thereof) and it just... knocks off points for me. I very much prefer the company of more mature people.
My closest friends are between the ages 23 and 42 and I'm somewhere in the middle so it doesn't really matter.
Older but I feel like it is mostly because people my age have different interests due to a different life than me. A good example, Kids. I don't have them, they do. And they like to set up play dates for their kids while them and the other parents hang. Or it is the only thing they ever talk about. I get kids are great. But there has to be something else in your life you have interest in order to be healthy.
Or they are still in college which I already completed. Or they have to work insane hours and too tired to take interest in anything outside of their job. So all they talk about is their job because it is their only interest.
I guess I just feel like old people are more well rounded I guess. I am sure I am boring to talk to as well.

I do have one friend that I am friends with in the real world. But I never see her because she is far away now after high school. She is a year younger than me and is pretty busy between working and caring for her mom but she is really cool. She has all kinds of interests. Mostly in the arts. She also doesn't have kids so I think that plays a huge factor.
Older for sure. I always have, even as a kid I got along with adults better than other kids. I get along with, and for the most part like, all of my older workmates whereas I don't really fit in with the ones younger than me. I only really have two friends irl who are younger than me, and the rest are my age or older. Same goes for online friends actually.
This has changed actually. I get along better with my younger coworkers who are around 7-8 years younger than me than the older ones.