Do you go to ceremonies?

Well, do you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 47.8%
  • No

    Votes: 47 52.2%

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  • Poll closed .


we partake in tomfoolery
Mar 2, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
Tin Robot
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Green Star Fragment
What I mean is, do you go to ceremonies for new buildings? (able sisters, the shop, etc)
I think I went to the very first one to see what it looked like and it was pretty cute so I put the next one off until I got all my dreamies so that I could take a picture that actually meant something to me. And then when I got all my dreamies I put it off until my island was more complete. So yeah I totally forgot about it until now, thanks for the reminder! I might tear down a bridge and rebuild it so I can get a ceremony picture
I used to all the time, but stopped because I've redone the design of my island 3 times now, demolishing just about every bridge and incline in sight. It gets a little monotonous after a while...
Yes I loved going to them so I could get a screenshot of all my villagers together. I haven’t had one in a long time though because I’m finished with my island layout. I’ve thought about tearing down a bridge and then rebuilding it in the same spot just to get another ceremony.
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Yes! I loved going to them when I started my island. I haven't built anything new or moved anything in a few months but I think I went to them all.
Yeah I go to all mine. It’s been awhile since we last had a ceremony though. I need to stop procrastinating and get these bridges built.
I've gone to most ceremonies! I've missed a few, as I forgot about them, but it's pretty fun to watch! I like to time my screenshots when they throw confetti, hehehe xD
I go to the ceremonies for buildings but not the ones for bridges/inclines. After overhauling my previous layout, moving things around became a checklist item and I didn't need further reminder of the time it took to move all ten bridges/inclines. I do enjoy seeing all my villagers come together and throw confetti, though. :3
I do because they’re cute...The music makes me emotional....Lil cute developments...
Yep, I forgot they existed. Probably doesn't help that you're no longer bombarded with the question and deliberately made to feel bad about declining as in NL, lol.
I always go to mine and take pictures. It's nice to look back and see how my villagers/layout have changed.
It's been so long since I've had a ceremony that I forgot they existed, but yes I went and always take photos. Looking through my photo album (I take waaaay too many photos, I'm like a doting parent with their new baby lol) it's great to see the first buildings and bridges and who my villagers were back then!
I haven't had a new building, bridge or incline for ages... but I went to all of them while I was still building up my island, and tried to take pictures of each ceremony so I'd have something to date and keep track of progress.

If I had a new bridge, incline or building, I would go again for that same purpose: take a screenshot so I know what was when.