Do you go to ceremonies?

Well, do you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 47.8%
  • No

    Votes: 47 52.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I recently redid about 1/3 of my island and had to build so many new bridges and inclines. I went to maybe two ceremonies out of seven? Honestly I had forgotten they were a thing until then! I just like getting the cute confetti photos with all my residents.
In the beginning I did go to them but now I mostly don’t care about it.

It’s cute tho.
I rather not to. But I attended to all of them thinking it's a must.
I haven't built anything in a while. I've literally put off building a bridge at my south river mouth for months because I can just terraform a spot to jump across. But after the first bridge and first incline, I haven't been attending ceremonies anyways. I think I'd only attend ones for buildings at this point.
I go when I remember too but I usually get caught up doing anything else so I forget...oops :whistle:
I do! I usaully try to take a picture too! I like to look back through them later and remeber previous moments of the game I may of forgotten!
i think i'll go to a few more once i obtained all my dreamies
i would like to take some photos for memories
i did at the beginning but i don’t anymore. i went to the ceremonies for rs, the campsite, the museum, the shops + my first bridge and incline but i haven’t gone to a ceremony in ages aha ;u; but also, i hadn’t built anything in a few months so i haven’t really had any ceremonies to attend, anyways :p
If there are any new ceremonies that pop-up then yeah, I will. Of course, I haven't had one in months so it hasn't really been a huge deal for me, lol
attended all of them when i first started! but now i don't really bother unless it was a significant remodeling and looks pretty