Do you have a gender preference?

Do you have a gender preference?

  • I like both equally

    Votes: 75 60.5%
  • Females are the best

    Votes: 7 5.6%
  • Male are the best

    Votes: 6 4.8%
  • Female are best but I want variety

    Votes: 17 13.7%
  • Males are the best but I want variety

    Votes: 19 15.3%

  • Total voters
As a cis male who plays their character as a self insert... I Envy females.
They have so many nice dresses! I love the lolita dresses they have! And I know I could wear them too but... cis gendered. I want a suit version of it
Yessss!! The game really favors girl outfits/aesthetic (even female players make really detailed coats, dresses, and sweaters meant for girl characters, so the men get kinda left in the dust). If there were much cuter male clothes (maybe even a little androgynous), I would definitely have a boy character on my island. That’s probably why I didn’t make one now that I think about it. Although, one of my characters, Kaede, is very tomboyish and wears the Visual-Punk Wig. :3
Hm, I almost said I have a preference for the female villagers just because of how many normal villagers I love (which is nearly all of them). But I think I love an equal amount of the cranky villagers. I only really like a few of the other personality types, which probably even out between the genders.
I love both genders but I end up having a lot of males because I love my lazy boys Bob and Erik
To me, since personality is tied to gender, they are the same thing.
So like if you really liked lazy and smug, were happy with jock and cranky, were alright with normal and peppy, and really dislike snooty and sisterly. Then you've got a preference to males.

We'll have to agree to disagree then. I don't think it's the same thing at all. 😁

PS. I didn't mention sisterly. I do like them! It's just that I met Fuchsia early in the game and I've already decided I don't need another sisterly on my island. Fuchsia is perfect for me.

PPS. Random thought: Does anyone know why Nintendo made the personalities gender-specific? I would've liked a mix of genders for all the personalities.
I like the male personalities better, but I like to try and have around half and half on my island
I don't mind at all what genders I have as long as I have nice animals haha I don't like some of the mean cranky ones
I try to keep my towns/villages/islands as balanced as possible, but. They tend to lean a bit more female, simply because they seem to have the more interesting and cute designs, overall. :p
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In regards to gender the only significant thing to me was having a balance of males and females (5 male, 5 female) unless I happen to find another lazy or jock villager that I really like, in which case the ratio would be 6 male, 4 female. Since my favorite personalities are lazy, jock and smug I just naturally lean towards male villagers more. As many have mentioned already, male villagers have much better, more interesting designs than the female villagers. Though I don't dislike female villagers, I have to say that Reneigh is the only female horse imo that has the best design. None of the male horses appeal to me. At the end of the day, I focus more on design rather than gender.

I usually always go for having this type of formula: either 2 lazies, 2 jocks, 2 peppies or 2 normals since I feel they would be the best of friends with one another, and because they look so cute together! (for example, Drago and Cole, Rod and Boots, Anabelle and Bangle)
I don’t base my characters on gender. I pick them for their designs mostly. I seem to like cranky and lazy designs the best.

Most of my villagers are boys, but then most of my playable characters are girls.

Right now I have 3 girl villagers ( but 4 female playable characters).

Then I have 7 boy villagers (and one boy playable character).
I generally like the female personalities and villagers designs significantly more. Because peppy and normal seem to be my favorite personalities (I really never get tired of talking to my normals and they also wake up early, just like me, and my peppies are just the sweetest girls and most excited about life) I pretty much always have 2 of each on my island, which sets me up to generally have a strong female presence on my island.

although I unexpectedly like the smug personality more than I initially did, I am really picky about the designs. On the other hand, I find the uchi designs really interesting, and like a lot of them.

I do not currently have a cranky, and generally do not intend to have any.

The jock and lazy personalities are both really sweet and have grown on me. I think I could imagine having 2 of them sometime in the future, maybe evening out my numbers.

currently I have 7 girls (Bangle, Tabby, Soleil, Sydney, Deena, Plucky, Deirdre) and 3 boys (Genji, Rodney, Weber). I adore my boys, but am also alright with having uneven numbers.

in real life I do generally have a strong preference for female characters and I always make my playable characters female as well.
I usually prefer female, but my favorite personality is lazy. But most of my villagers have been female, especially since I love normal and peppy villagers so much.
I suppose I kinda pick my villagers based on gender? As in I always have 1 of each personality type, plus 1 extra female type and 1 extra male type. I just like to make it equal, dunno why.
i dont care about the genders at all; but it does sort of bother me when i see Lucky running around wearing a poofy sleeved pink girly shirt so the metrosexual male thing has got to go lol
i like to have at least one of each personality type, but i dont have a preference on gender. i do wish the personality types werent tied to gender though so we could have more villager variety. right now i have an even split of genders on my island (one of each personality and doubles of normal and jock)
Yes and no.

In a general sense, I feel like there are more male villagers whose designs are interesting and appealing to me, and I have two favorite male personalities in Smug and Cranky, whereas Snooty does a lot of the heavy lifting for the female villagers because I love the Snooty personality.

However, I have favorite villagers from across all of the different popularity tiers and I have favorite villagers from every personality as well. Additionally, I tend to prefer to have at least one villager of each personality in my towns and on my island for the sake of keeping things more interesting.

In practical terms, I decide my town/island roster based around specific themes and what ultimately matters is who the best villagers are to represent the particular theme. Combine that with the aforementioned intention of having all of the personalities on the rosters and it all ends up being pretty even.
i definitely have a preference for females, it seems — most of my favourite villagers are female and i tend to always have mostly females on my island as well. i am trying to have more variety, though, since i don’t really want an all-girl island. 😅
Do you prefer one gender over the other for your villagers. Pretty much all my favourites are male villagers. In my opinion they have the best designs and personalities. That's not to say I dislike the females, but if not for the sake of variety, I would probably only have Megan and then 9 guys lol

I've also been to many dreams where the islands either have no males, or only 1 like Marshal or raymond. So I don't think I'm alone in having a preference.

What about you?

Edit: unconscious preferences count too. Like if you were to tally up your favourite villagers and see how many are male and female, if they are majority one way, that's still a preference, even if you're not aiming for it :)

Yay for Megan!

I like both equally but my newer island is girly and has villagers with cute houses which are mostly girls. Fang is one of the guys since his house fits in and also Julian. Julian's house is okay. Colton would fit in but he is on my other island. Usually my islands are 50/50 or 60/40.
I don't have a gender preference generally, I just go by designs. I do have a preference in that I like to have a split island (5 and 5), or at worst 6/4 between the genders. Sometimes I'll go over if I'm rotating in new villagers to trade/sell, but otherwise I generally go for a 5 and 5 split. :)
I don't have a gender preference, no! My island is mostly evenly split (I did a count and I 6 guys and 5 gals) which makes sense! Their gender doesn't matter to me, it's more their personality. I wish that the personalities weren't gender locked because I do think that's a bit odd, but it isn't a huge deal. Their personality and design are the bigger factors, for me.