Do you have an anteater villager in your island?

Do you have an anteater villager in your island?

  • Yes

  • No

  • My island is ONLY anteaters

  • No, but I had one in the past

  • No, but I'm looking for one

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You need another option! "I currently don't have any anteaters, but want one in the future!" Or have had one in the past?

Olaf was the Smug villager who was forced on me 😠 but I really want Antonio as my next jock! I tried to find him on my last Mystery Island your, but ended up with Melba when I was nearly out of NMT. I also want Annabelle in the future too!

i'll add those options!
Yep! Annabelle was my random peppy move-in! At first i found the personality and her look slightly incompatible, but she’s grown on me. I’ll still let her move after i get her photo but she’s all right in my book. :) I’ve also had Cyrano before in NL, i liked his coloring and shirt combo.
I had Antonio. I never really cared for anteaters until I saw him on an island. His tail is so cute when he walks! I wouldn't mind having another one. I had to let Antonio go to make room for Chai unfortunately.
No, I've never had an anteater on my island. Not because I don't want one or anything, but rather because I've never encountered one on a Nook Miles Island nor as a campsite visitor, so I've never had the chance to have one on my island, lol.
I currently have Annalisa. I love that her shocked face looks like the Rose of Versailles shocked face.

I had Cyrano in the past moved him on for a a amiibo villager as I was short on space Miss the old crouch.x
I had Pango but I let her go because someone offered to give me Pietro for free and she was the one that pinged to move.
I really want to get her back though, I think she's been my favourite peppy I've had so far. No luck on finding her on mystery islands so far though and I'm not particularly big on villager trading. Aside from obtaining Pietro of course...
I have Antonio, who is legit the best. He is so funny. He goes around talking about his 6-pack abs (and he's names them all), while eating a chocolate covered doughnut. I love him.

I also have Olaf on my second island, who is also hilarious. I haven't had a chance to play recently, so I haven't interacted with either in a while, but I will be fixing that tonight.
I don't personally have an anteater at the moment, but I wouldn't mind having one in the future! I don't love all of their designs but I think some of them are pretty cute or cool looking. I think if I were island hopping and I stumbled upon Antonio or Anabelle I would invite them to move in! If Bam or Gabi have moved out, that is. I like both of their designs and I don't really have a favourite peppy or jock villager so I'm more open to who moves to my island with those personalities!
I used to have Annabelle and Annalisa, the latter left my island very very recently. While I didn't like Annabelle's personality, I loved having Annalisa, she's super pretty !
I voted no.
Technically I had analisa in the past.
She was an auto fill and she was so ugly I time travelled to amiibo her out.
Irl she was on my island less than 1 hour.
I currently have Annalisa on one island and I also had Snooty in the past. Annalisa, with her Japanese doll inspiration, is my favorite. However, I really loved Snooty's house. It was very simple and fresh looking.
Nope, none are my favorites except for Lulu, the pastel yellow Anteater from E+. Unfortunately, she's only in that game, but if she ever returned I'd love to have her maybe.
In the age of covid, I had to get a pangolin! Anabelle is my peppy villager. She looks super cute in any clothes! But don't give her sunglasses because she will wear them like a hat on her forehead!
No, and I don’t plan to. I only find Annabelle and Antonio decent.
i had Anabelle on my first moonwell island, before i restarted it for my current moonwell island...