Do you have an anteater villager in your island?

Do you have an anteater villager in your island?

  • Yes

  • No

  • My island is ONLY anteaters

  • No, but I had one in the past

  • No, but I'm looking for one

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I had Pango before. She's pretty cool but I think she was one of the villager with the shortest tenure on my island because after she moved in, I started moving in all my dreamies with my Amiibos.
So far with NH, I’ve had Olaf. He was a rando move in so I wasn’t a big fan and got him moved out rather quickly.

I do like most of the anteaters, tho. I had several while playing NL. Will likely get Anabelle moved in soon. She’s a nice one for the warmer weather.
I don’t have any anteaters on my island but I think Annalisa and Antonio are very sweet, I’d be happy enough if they were villagers that moved in randomly but I probably wouldn’t actively look for them.

I’m not a huge fan of most of the others though, they’re not really a bad species to me but they’re are others that I like a lot more.
Antonio, the lovable anteater who lifts weights to burn the calories of eating too many chocolate donuts is a resident of my island.

I wanted an anteater because I think they have amazing designs, and I'm happy I was able to get one.
I've never been a fan of the anteaters, unfortunately. I tend to gravitate towards cutesy designs and none of them have that certain appeal to me. They are a very uniquely-designed species though, so I can see why other people might like them.
Nope. I have 6 cats, 1 horse, 1 hamster, 1 goat, 1 cub. I may eventually just to get its picture. But, I don’t think I’ll be keeping any permanently.
I had some anteater villagers in the past and while I don't mind them, I don't really have a favorite, hence why I letting them go once they decide to move away.
I had one in the past, I don't remember the name though. None of them are particularly appealing to me so I'm not sure if I'd ever keep one in my village.
I haven't encountered any anteaters so far, which is strange because I'll take anyone on my island. I like how I type in anteaters to see their designs in animal crossing and the first thing that pops up is "Can an anteater kill you?".

Most likely yes
Nope, but i had the peppy anteater for a short time in new leaf, cant recall her name and too lazy to search XD
Yep, I've had Snooty for some time now. She's nice and I like the small changes I've made to her home, but I thought I was gonna let her move out since I also have Claudia as another snooty type. But then I found Tybalt, so as a second tiger and second snooty, I guess Claudia will get the boot next and Snooty has been saved from eviction for the time being.

I also had Anabelle in (I think) Wild World. She was nice too.
nah i don't have any, but anabelle is super cute and i might take her in the future (i have one spot on my island that i rotate villagers out of just to switch it up every now and again), love her colors :)
At the moment, no, but I've had one in the past, Olaf. I don't care for him at all, but this game seems to love giving him to me. He was the first camper on my previous island, and on my current island, he came from my friend's void to my island after Sprinkle moved out.

I've recently come to the realization that I don't really care for the anteaters all that much, Cyrano being the only exception. So if I ever decide to let Apollo or Vic leave my island, I'll replace them with Cyrano.
I used to have an anteater villager and that was Olaf. He was my first campsite villager and I was devastated when I saw him to say the least. But after having him on my island for such a long time I grew quite a love for him and was actually very sad to see him leave. I guess now I know not to judge a villager on their looks 😅
Not currently, but I did have Annabelle in my New Leaf town and she was pretty cute! I love that she's based on a pangolin. :) I think in general the Anteaters are pretty cute and I think it's really neat that the devs thought of having them in the game series since they're not a very mainstream animal.
I LOVE the anteaters and want Pango and Annabelle so bad!!!!! I don't have a peppy at the moment so I am hoping Walt will ask to move soon so I can get her :D
I adore Antonio, which surprised me. He was on my husband’s island, but because I saw him on a mystery island and just had to invite him. Love how he looks like a giant anteater, and he is just so cute. His tail is so pretty!

i also really like Annalisa, and have considered having her on my island. I like her Japanese theme

I like the look of Pango, particularly how colorful is, and would think of inviting her if I came across her while island hopping. She looks more like a snooty than a peppy, imo, though.
I have Pango now. That was one of my first villagers a year ago and I let her go before I knew about getting pictures. So I bought the amiibo card and drug her back onto my island. Cool, unique looking character.