Do you have an anteater villager in your island?

Do you have an anteater villager in your island?

  • Yes

  • No

  • My island is ONLY anteaters

  • No, but I had one in the past

  • No, but I'm looking for one

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Not right now, but I had pango in the past. Honestly she's such a darling, and I love her color scheme so much. Definitely my favorite anteater ever, but because I'm very adamant about having villagers that fit with my island aesthetics I cannot have her on Ginkgo. Maybe one day when I have a second island....
Not at the moment, and I'm not actively seeking one, but I'd be 100% open to one in the future! Antonio is adorable, he's just the quintessential anteater villager. And Annabelle is great- I love villagers that are one species, but are clearly based on another animal, and Annabelle is such a pretty pangolin!

I like the look of Pango, particularly how colorful is, and would think of inviting her if I came across her while island hopping. She looks more like a snooty than a peppy, imo, though.
I thought for sure she was snooty 😂
I didn't like them much, but recently I found Annalisa while island hopping and she's pretty cute!
I had Cyrano once and love Olaf hair. I love the story behind Annalisa's appearance so if I meet her someday, why not inviting her on my island!
I currently don't but on New Leaf my town used to be full of them. Like at some point I had seven of them I think? Which is an interesting phenomenon and I don't know if it's just me or but does anyone get waves of certain species? What I mean with this is like at some point mostly cat villagers move to your town, then that wave passes and there's frogs, then another wave with pigs, etc.