Do you have any phobias?

i have astraphobia which is the fear of storms and furthermore lilapsophobia, fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.
i also suffer very heavily from tokophobia which is the fear of pregnancy
the only phobia I really have is apparently called "robophobia" which is a fear of robots, androids, animatronics, etc. I've always been afraid of stuff like that, idk why but it seems to trigger a fight or flight response in me. like I would love to go to Disney World someday but the sheer number of animatronics they have would prob ruin the experience for me.

also like Franny mentioned, fear of pregnancy is very real (although I'll never have to worry abt it thankfully)
Oh yeah I have some phobias and I'll name some:

1. The fear of getting into a Car Accident. The one I had way back in 2019 still haunts me and I just become very cautious when driving.

2. The fear of bugs, I might sound like Blathers from AC but seriously I CANNOT STAND THEM! Especially Cockroaches!
I'm surprised I haven't posted in this thread. XD
I have a ton of phobias, usually linked with a bad experience.
I got arachnophobia (fear of spiders) from seeing a spider crawling on my wall while carrying a sac of eggs, and seeing a wolf spider while swimming in a lake.
I am so scared of escalators, I almost fell down a flight of 'em when I was little.
This one is a little odd, but balloons. I hate the sound of one popping, and I remember during Christmas of 2017, my brothers and cousins chased me around the house with an inflated balloon and a pen, trying to pop it in my face.
I'm also terrified of wasps, heights, deep water, dogs, and drowning.
I'm surprised I haven't posted in this thread. XD
I have a ton of phobias, usually linked with a bad experience.
I got arachnophobia (fear of spiders) from seeing a spider crawling on my wall while carrying a sac of eggs, and seeing a wolf spider while swimming in a lake.
I am so scared of escalators, I almost fell down a flight of 'em when I was little.
This one is a little odd, but balloons. I hate the sound of one popping, and I remember during Christmas of 2017, my brothers and cousins chased me around the house with an inflated balloon and a pen, trying to pop it in my face.
I'm also terrified of wasps, heights, deep water, dogs, and drowning.