Only my ears are pierced. The rest of me is and will always remain unpierced. I have this irrational fear of something going horribly wrong if I do ever get another part of me pierced, such as something getting caught in either a nose ring or belly button ring, like clothing, and I can't imagine the pain that comes with that I also fear that a tongue piercing might come lose in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping and I accidentally swallow or choke on it....
But piercings on other people is something I don't judge and may actually make others more attractive depending on how it looks on them, unless of course it's taken to the extreme
i have my earlobes pierced. i pierced my cartilage myself twice in high school lol but had to take them out and they grew in. i really like the look of piercings but im not sure if i would go through the care for any more again.
i definitely dont have the money to drop for anything right now anyways but i would be open to more ear piercings and nose piercings. i would maybe do my navel but dont really care much. i always thought tongue piercings were super awesome but i dont want to chip away at my teeth, and i think that is a risk with them? not sure tbh but my mom is a dental hygienist and said that to me when i mentioned wanting one years ago. also i knew someone who accidentally swallowed theirs once, but its not like it choked them soo i would be open to doing that possibly. i really love the look of nipple piercings as well but i dont know if i could handle that. like the initial piercing idea of it makes me shudder but i think the worst part would probably be the after care while it heals. i think nipple piercings are relatively quick to heal though (google says around a year to heal yikesss. idk i still think they would be awesome). dermals are cool, but i definitely would never have the guts to get one and not sure where id get them anyways.
tbh my body doesnt really like when i wear earrings, so i never wear them. its probably best if i didnt get more piercings but i love the look of them. i think a septum and some ear cartilage piercings would be great though. i really like the look of all the ear piercings tbh
Nope. I might get my ears pierced if I just totally fell in love with a pair of earrings, but I'm not generally much of a jewelry person, so I've never really felt the desire to get any piercings.
I used to have my ears pierced quite a few times when I was younger. They were a pain to deal with though, so I just stopped wearing them altogether. I don't plan on getting any piercings at all, and I don't think I'd want my ears pierced for the third or fourth time (I already lost track, haha).
i have my ears pierced and my right nostril pierced. i had a double helix piercing on my left ear but for whatever reason my body was not a fan of it (even though i was really careful with it and always kept it cleaned) and after numerous infections i just gave up and took them out.
i would like more piercings, just not necessarily sure what at this point tbh
I have my left nostril pierced, and both of my lobes. My ears are super picky, so I don’t wear any earrings. But I keep a plain black hoop in my nostril.
I used to have my lips pierced. Two on the top (angel bites) and two on the bottom (snakebites) but I took them out a few years ago.
just basic ear piercings! part of me would love to become a nose piercing gal, or maybe even a helix or something, but atm i'm not overly fussed so i'm pretty happy with what i've got. maybe sometime in the future i'll branch out a bit
I got two piercings on my right lobe. I think I'll get one more and probably two or three on my left one. I partly did it to break free of my school's strict rules which forbid boys getting piercings.
I've posted before but since then I have 3 on each earlobe, a double helix and tragus on my left, a conch and rook on my right, my tongue, and I plan on getting my left eyebrow done
I'm not a big jewellery person, I'm not a big fan of the feeling of it against my skin. So I've never had any piercings, as much as I think they look cool. At this point as well, I feel like I couldn't be bothered taking care of them If I've gone this long without them. I have considered getting one or two clip-ons though for special occasions.