Do you have or want to have kids?

Do you have or want to have kids?

  • I have kids

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • I'd like to have kids at some point

    Votes: 77 41.4%
  • I'm not interested in having kids

    Votes: 95 51.1%

  • Total voters
I don't have kids and most likely don't want to. Saying I'm entirely uninterested would be a lie, but I'm disabled, poor, and I'm also just someone who doesn't like being responsible for other people, so for all of those reasons, I won't be having a kid any time soon. I may re-visit the idea of having kids in my 30s or 40s though if my disability issues are more managaeable and I have a little more money and I've gotten more of a taste for adult responsibilities.
I do not now and, I expect, never will want to produce offspring. I've never had the desire to be a parent at any point in my life. Heck, I'm either entirely or somewhere around asexual, so I don't know that I'd ever even end up in a relationship with anyone to be able to procreate in the first place.

For myself it would seem entirely to be a net negative. I neither have now nor do I necessarily foresee having the means to properly raise a child in the future (which also eliminates adoption). When I look at current events and projections for the coming decades I cannot see any reason I should want to bring another life into existence. I'd honestly feel a bit guilty for inflicting this world upon another being. For something that so many wish to do, creating and raising children is a heavy burden in many regards. From my perspective it requires a lot of consideration, and upon my own reflections it's not something I'm at all interested in pursuing.

Am I entirely against the idea? No. If I somehow ended up in a relationship with someone and they had a child from a previous relationship and it meant I had to then become a parent, so be it. Or if I was made a godparent to someone's kid or something like that. Those are the only sort of situations where I'd take up the mantle of parenthood.
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I have trouble taking care of myself so that's a no lmao
My opinion may change as I grow older ?\_(ツ)_/?
i dont think so, it would be sweet but i dont think im capable of handling one lol
yes!!!! i want a mini mog, i want a couple actually!!! i would need to be in a better situation financially but i like the idea of creating someone who i would love so much and spend my life dedicated to caring, i want a happy little family :blush:
at the moment i'm not considering having any in the future.

kids kinda scare me sometimes and are really overwhelming
Not interested. I've done quite a lot of thinking about it but just going by my gut feeling, no. I feel like if I have to convince myself to have them, probably not a good idea. Plus, I want to retire before 50 and I love my 401k more than potential offspring. Kudos to those that know what they want, one way or the other.
I was too lazy to actually write something when I originally made this thread but I'm in the mood now lmao

Basically my boyfriend and I have both agreed that we want to have kids, preferably after we can move into an actual house (we feel like having kids in an apartment would be a lot more of a hassle). We've thought about it a lot, we're probably going to have two but I definitely don't want more than two?ever (I grew up in a big family and was not a fan).

I've wanted kids for years, so hopefully I'll become a parent at some point :p
I used to never think I would ever want kids, but now that I'm in a more stable point in my life with a steady partner and steady job with a good income, I've been thinking more and more about it. I don't think that I would mind raising a child, but I can't get past the horror of actually carrying one. I think adoption is more of the route that I would attempt to go for, since there are so many children that need homes. My partner hasn't expressed any desire to want kids in the near future, and since we're out of college at our first jobs (he's military, I'm in computer science), I think that waiting a bit is probably a good move. I couldn't see traveling far with a baby, and I definitely want to travel some point in the near future, given I've never been outside of the USA. So I think probably, at least one kid, but no time soon.
I would like to have kids someday and hopefully pass on interesting things like being left handed, but at the same time I kind of dread the idea of delivering a baby. Doctors make me squeamish in general and I don't think I would do well with this.
Currently have one on the way. I'm both really excited and scared. What's really crazy is that my 2 childhood bestfriends and I were all pregnant at the same time (unintentionally of course lol) One of them just gave birth a few days ago, so I guess that means I'm next up on the list!
Not interested, but it's a nice thought! I've been getting a recurring dream of having a baby so that's enough for me lol
I mean, it would be kind of cool to have a kid, buuuut..
I'm insanely protective already with my animals, like it's good and all,
but I overdo it and if I would have a kid I would isolate it probably
too much so.. not a good idea to have one for now at least..
maybe one day I will change that habit of overprotecting, but eh..
my animals are my kids already, so that's fine :^)
I could happily live my life with or without kids. I don?t care either way, honestly. It?s not a priority for me, however my partner really wants children someday so I?d love to have a family with him!
I don?t want children for another 3-5 years minimum haha, and I definitely want us to be financially stable before we take that step.
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I don't mind the idea of having a kid. Always preferred the concept of having a daughter. Never imagined myself having a boy, I dunno why, probably because I am one and have been friends with many thus know from a larger pool of examples what a massive piece of crap they can be.

On the other hand, I would rather it happen when my time to do fun stuff is basically over anyway. Let my life be ruined in its own time instead of some little sprog coming along and do it preemptively.
Yes, I want to have kids.
i already have name combinations picked out lol
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Right now, I don't want kids but maybe one day? At least if I ever become mother, I want to
be a better mother then my own was, this is for sure.