Do you iron your clothes?

Do you iron your clothes?

  • Yes, I iron my clothes for work

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Yes, I iron my clothes for personal reasons

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • Sometimes for events or other occasions

    Votes: 17 37.8%
  • No, I don't iron my clothes

    Votes: 18 40.0%
  • I don't have an iron or board 🥲

    Votes: 5 11.1%

  • Total voters
I normally use my tumble dryer so most things just get folded and don’t need ironing. Very lucky uniform in this house is just polo shirts, sweatshirts and trousers (obviously underwear but hopefully not judged for not ironing those 😂)

I would iron if a smart outfit was needed or shirt for interview.
No. Once every few years I used to, but now that I can steam the wrinkles out, there's no need.
I hate ironing so much, but I do it for special occasions or for clothes that I want to sell. I used to always iron the clothes after they were washed and dried, but I can't bring myself to do it anymore. It does look way better when it's ironed, but man it's hurting the back and is so boring. 😅
Yeah and it makes me mad but I can't stand my clothes to be wrinkled. I try to be conscious of picking clothing that don't wrinkle but I just really like button-downs and linen. I've switched to the steamer because it's a lot easier to handle but not as powerful as a iron. All my clothes are casual nice or vintage fancy.
I iron my tops before I head out, but rarely do I iron my jeans. They would have to be really wrinkly before I would consider ironing them. Formal clothes always get ironed though.
not every often to be honest, but if i want to wear something and it's super wrinkly i'll run an iron over it super quickly. i try and make sure to buy and wear things that don't wrinkle easily because i genuinely don't have the energy or time to be ironing all the time
Heck no lol. I don't have a job that requires it, thankfully. I hang my easily wrinkly clothing when they come out of the laundry which basically solves the wrinkly clothes problem anyhow.
No, because I'm lazy and work a blue collar job where my clothes will just get dirty/wrinkled anyway.

If it's a special occasion, I'll hang the clothes on the bathroom door and run the shower at the max temperature for a few minutes. The steam gets rid of most of the wrinkles.
Unfortunately I have a profession that does require a decent appearance. But also thankfully, sometimes we go to work in pajamas =) (scrubs - but they should still be pressed so they aren't too sloppy!). But I would also like to second steamers as a magical device, they save my butt all the time!
I don't do it myself! We have what you would call a butler who does all our household work for us. But I am trying to do it every now and then to learn, since I plan on moving out very soon and I would like to be able to take care of myself.

It's extremely important to look presentable!
No not really. I definitely do not iron my everyday clothes, but if I’m going to somewhere I need to wear fancy clothes to I would iron them if they needed ironing. If i’m extra lazy and I want to get wrinkles out I would just throw some ice cubes in the dryer and whatever wrinkle clothes in with it, that usually gets the wrinkles out without me having to iron.