Yeah, I use it to vent in occasionally. But I'm usually too lazy to write by hand so I just vent in my blog or someplace else on the net LOL. probably shouldn't though
I used to just to write about what happened that day/problems + stress/practicing japanese caligraphy/etc. but I eventually got bored of it, I had this when I was going through a "I love english class/japanese language!" phase and was obsessed with reading a writing.
I use a private blog w/ a pw on tumblr just for me and my bf since he is in college in nyc.
I type a bunch of random stuff or take pictures then upload it on there. he reads them and sometimes writes stuff to me which later I save it on there.
idk we want to keep a lot of memories in it then look back at it in the future lol. so lame sorryz.
I suck at keeping journals, diaries, calenders, you name it. Got the wrong idea about diaries when I was younger and thought you had to write in them everyday, so I'd write in any old uninteresting thing to fill the spaces.