Do you keep your island in a certain season?

I like to experience all four seasons (especially since I'm always time traveling to get certain items, fish, bugs, and/or DIYs), but my dream address will most likely remain in the summer; that's the ideal season for my island's theme~
I just go with the seasons - I have a forestcore town so it's fine. Can't wait to see it in autumn <3
I don't keep my islands in a specific season for day to day gameplay but I will travel backwards or forwards to a season I like when updating my dream address. I always update my pink island during cherry blossom season and my natural one during fall. But in between those updates I play at the current time for the most part! But I do regularly TT to those seasons to decorate so I guess I spend a lot of time in them.
When I'm not TT'ing to move out a villager and go island hopping for another one I play my game at the current date and cycle through the seasons as they come along. I always enjoy experiencing each of the seasons when they return and it means I don't miss out on seasonal events but generally I do end up getting tired of Winter in AC during January and often TT forward to spring, returning to the current date once the snow has cleared up, and on the rare occasions I upload a dream dress I always do it in Summer as I think that's when the island looks best.
I usually stick the the current time, but the winter season is my least favorite. My island looks very bland. It has a more natural theme, and I think it looks terrible in the winter. I am always tempted to TT to the spring.
I don't TT, so my island just goes through each of the four seasons. That said, if I had to have my island be a certain season year-round, I'd definitely go with winter, since I do like winter and think my island looked good during it.
I generally keep my island in the current season (in the northern hemisphere) but I've been uploading my DA in either maple or cherry blossom season since those two are my favorites. So if I change something major on my island and want to update my DA I time travel to whichever of those two seasons is closer 😁