I like to experience all the seasons so I don't bother changing the date to maintain one season, even if it means an ugly island in the winter or like that ugly brown grass when the snow melts. That's how things are in real life so I don't mind the game also being like that.
I've never changed the date in my game before, and have always enjoyed the natural passage of time and the changing of the seasons in Animal Crossing games. But I have to say, towards the end of winter I was pretty tempted! I love winter and snow in real life, but something about the winter in NH felt so depressing and empty to me after a while. Plus I found the snowpeople more irritating than on NL for some reason, and I had to destroy a big area of my island to make room for them. By the new year I was just ready to put everything back to normal and see some greenery again! So yeah, I guess I'll see how I feel later this year. Winter does have the best clothing options of any season at least, imo, so I do look forward to that! For me, it would get sort of boring to dress for the same weather all year - I have a lot of fun changing my rep's wardrobe to match the seasons.
I do. I don’t really like winter. So I time travel during that season. I don’t really mind missing the events since I also don’t like the seasonal winter items.
I only wish it were cherry blossom season for the whole season of spring, starting in mid March all the way until the beginning of summer, then maybe I would keep TT to stay stuck in springtime. Seems excessive, but there's an area on my island that looks the loveliest during cherry blossom season. Typically, I don't ever keep my island stuck to one season, but I tend to log on to play at 5pm, ever since the Gamecube days all the way up to New Leaf, because I love the look of the sunset as it bathes everything in a warm, orange light, and the 5pm tracks always seem to be the best ones to listen to while playing.
I did with New Leaf and keeping it in mushroom season, but I've been pretty lazy with keeping up with that in New Horizon. Besides, the game is still getting seasonal updates, so for me, it's best to wait till I've obtain everything the game has to offer.
I prefer to experience each season. I built my island around the idea that it would go through the year as a temperate clime, so maybe that is why I don’t find the snowy weather off-off-putting, like those who built theirs more as a tropical destination.
Not really but sometimes I get tired of a season and time travel to another. Right now, I'm building a newly reset southern hemisphere island and it's in autumn, soon to go into winter. I wasn't enjoying how the yellow autumn grass looks with everything so I time traveled back to December where there's summer and my character can also earn some good DIYs while terraforming and laying paths. I got illuminated present and jingle wall so far.
I was never actually thinking of keeping it in a certain season. It sounds like a interesting idea though!
I can imagine for themed islands it's perfect, but for a "regular" island I think it's not too useful, for me at least.
I know some people who skip over winter entirely, and others who keep it on winter year round!
I'm currently in Autumn, and first the greenery started going dull, and now the greenery is dull and some of the trees are orange. I love the orange, but the really dull green is not my favourite. But, I definitely wouldn't change because I like going through the island motions in the immersive, real-time way.
I don't get snow on my island in winter, but I don't love the colour scheme of it. I like the green and brown earth tones a lot.
I let me island go through all the seasons because I keep the time the same as real time. I like to re-decorate my island according to the season so it looks good in all seasons
I used to keep my New Leaf town in Spring all the time, but in New Horizons I've just let it pass through all seasons this time. I might keep it at a season maybe at some point, but I'm not sure yet.
I like to experience each season as they come; I will tt back though if I missed some items or an event and it isn’t time locked since I have been needing more breaks from the game.