Avocados are delicious as salsas on chips, or some beans, or anything Mexican really. Eating an entire avocado ON TOAST? I would for sure say "yuck".
I got to try it out a month ago with chips, and I was like, "yum yum why havent I ever discovered this?"
Lesson that needs to be learned: dont eat entire avocados on toast... -.-
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What I meant to say, dont eat avocados plain. EAT GUACAMOLE! (I hate avocados just they way they are. Theyre only good in Said-GUACAMOLES!)
I love avocado. I hardly very eat it though, because it's rare to find nice ones here, plus it's pretty expensive in comparison, but I do when I can. I'll eat in in everything, on it's own, salads, dips, as a topping on burgers and things.
I think avocados are pretty good. If I eat them, I usually peel the skin like an orange and eat it kind of like an apple (Except the seed in the middle, of course xD)
I really love avocados, but I mean, I'm Californian so I think it's illegal to not like them on everything and in every form if you're from here. I actually just made a bomb Coctel De Camarones with TONS of avocado in it and it's amazing! I love how creamy avocado is and how it adds that to anything. Can cool off something spicy or replace the fat in a meal like as a substitute for mayo or something. I love avocado toast as well, it's so good. The only people I have met IRL who don't like it have a.)never tried it or b.) tried it and were allergic. Like I said, I think at birth all Californians love avocado. Like King Dad said, adding avocado to something is also known as "California Style" pretty self-explanatory.