🍀 best of buddies 🌸
As long as the ending is done well and works with the entire story being told, whether a video game, book, movie or TV/Cartoon series, I don't mind either happy or sad endings, but I do also enjoy it when it's somewhere along the middle, such as bittersweet. Endings should be executed in a way that makes you reflect on everything leading up to that point and make you feel a sense of closure and/or satisfaction, or perhaps leave you wanting something more or something different. Maybe it makes you think about how things would have turned out if so and so had happened this way, or if certain characters truly deserved that second chance.
I personally always enjoyed bookends in written work, and in movies and other media, I especially like it when endings show you something like a slideshow that tells the story from beginning to end and everything that transpired in between, showing how long and difficult the journey was, as cliché as that sounds. The musical score is also something that "strikes a chord" with me and if it's executed superbly then it can make any ending stick with me for a long time.
I personally always enjoyed bookends in written work, and in movies and other media, I especially like it when endings show you something like a slideshow that tells the story from beginning to end and everything that transpired in between, showing how long and difficult the journey was, as cliché as that sounds. The musical score is also something that "strikes a chord" with me and if it's executed superbly then it can make any ending stick with me for a long time.