Do You Like That Game?

mk7 is great! my favourite track is waluigi pinball ^^

final fantasy x?
I played about half of it (3ds version) and I must say I have mixed feeling about it, the whole going back and forth in time and having to do the same puzzles and bosses again can be tedious and frustrating at times and some of those "mini games" are brutal...this might change when I finish it though ^^

hmm...spyro 3: year of the dragon?
weellll... i've played Leaf Green, which is basically just the sameee ssooooo hehehe yep

persona q
never played please don't hurt me

animal crossing? (original)
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I've only played a little bit of Sakura Spirit, so I can't say.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past?
never played that one but i like the SMT branch of the series so probably.

It's a point and click adventure set in a fictitious Central-American state during the 1970s..

Yes I suppose most MP's are fun

Infinity Wars - TCG?
Can't say I've ever played it.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (or any of the other games in the series)