Do you like the method of earning Frozen set DIYs?

I sort of do. I definitely like that we aren’t trying to find multiple DIYs from balloons this time, having the snowmen give some out is really nice! I just wish it was a little bit different? I know that it makes the most sense for ~perfect~ snowmen to give the DIYs and the big snowflakes but I also kind of hate it.

I can’t eyeball the proportions at all so I have to do snowman trick meaning all my snowmen will be the same size. I’d like to have tiny snow people and big snow people too! But if doing that means I’ll miss out on recipes or big snowflakes then I won’t :/ it’s also frustrating for players who have gorgeous islands that are covered head to toe with paths, flowers, and decorations because they’ve got no room to make the snowmen! Even if you buy the DIYs from here you’d also have to buy the large snowflakes too since you can’t just catch those in the air :(
I sort of do. I definitely like that we aren’t trying to find multiple DIYs from balloons this time, having the snowmen give some out is really nice! I just wish it was a little bit different? I know that it makes the most sense for ~perfect~ snowmen to give the DIYs and the big snowflakes but I also kind of hate it.

I can’t eyeball the proportions at all so I have to do snowman trick meaning all my snowmen will be the same size. I’d like to have tiny snow people and big snow people too! But if doing that means I’ll miss out on recipes or big snowflakes then I won’t :/ it’s also frustrating for players who have gorgeous islands that are covered head to toe with paths, flowers, and decorations because they’ve got no room to make the snowmen! Even if you buy the DIYs from here you’d also have to buy the large snowflakes too since you can’t just catch those in the air :(
You make a great set of points, for sure!
The method is fun but I don't like the shared island penalty :mad: I posted in the rant thread that my GF built the first snow boy this morning and now apparently I have to wait till it melts tomorrow before I get to play it. She got the frozen columns which is something I would be going crazy with already - and there's no guarantee that I'll get it right away when I finally get a chance to play with show balls.

Are you sure there are snow balls on the island for you as well? If there's space, I thought snow balls spawned for more than one player. I guess I was wrong. That's very unfortunate that each player doesn't get a chance to earn the recipes every day. :(
at first I kind of hated it because I have barely any open space on my island, but I've been thinking about redecorating one area for a while so it actually kind of pushed me to get rid of all that stuff and leave it temporarily open for snowmen before rebuilding it probably once I've got all the DIYs. but to answer the actual question yes, I do like it! I definitely prefer it to just relying on balloon rng because that was *rough*.
I like it better than popping balloons, however I do with you could trade the DIYs or buy them at Nooks. Having it sent directly to my phone is not ideal as I stink at making snowboys, and I miss playing for weeks at a time so I will have to TT to get everything...IF I can make the snowboys perfectly that is.
I really do prefer this method; As long as you get the ratio of the proportions correct, you're pretty much golden! The balloons are way too tedious.
I like this way so much better! My beaches have been crowded with flowers for month so balloon hunting was pretty hard, and the rest of my island has so much furniture and flowers that a lot of the balloons I popped would disappear anyways. Plus the fact that there's no balloon color linked to DIYs and we can get anything from bells to clothes from balloons is pretty frustrating. I like the snowmen so much more since it feels very seasonal and a lot more of a fun activity than waiting for a balloon to show up. And once you know how to proportion the two halves it's not hard to get a perfect snowman every time. Plus they're really cute (and sassy) to talk to after they've been built so I would probably still build a few even if they didn't give is DIYs. I guess the fact that we can only get max 1 per day could be a problem for people, but I like this stead way of earning them more myself, and we can always just time travel to get them faster.
I’d really like it if villagers crafted seasonal DIYs because it makes it a little grindy for casual players. Personally I don’t really mind because I’m able to trade on the forums but I can see why people get annoyed.
I like that I dont have to be for hours looking out for balloons for a change and i do like it al lot that we get some kind of special activities for each season, I for once had tons of fun doing my perfect snowy today ( which i did not even 😂 ) but at least i had fun :)
Yes!! Building snowmen is way easier for me than shooting down balloons and praying to Tortimer's ghost that it'll be a DIY recipe that I don't already have instead of a repeat furniture, iron, rock, bells, clothing, ect. And the added bonus of giant snowflakes is a plus.
Based on my experience of making one snow boy ever, I have to say I find it really fun! I had no idea what I was doing and it was great experiencing something completely new in the game. Only wish we could make more per day, just cause it is fun (though I suppose then the fun and novelty would wear off a lot sooner).
Sorta but I honestly feel like the balloon method is easier then the snowman one.

Even though the balloon is rng and you don’t fully know if you’re going to get, you still get something out of it.
With snowmen it’s a one time try and if you mess up, you have to wait a day to try again.

I feel like the method is fine but, I kinda wish there was a guidance at first on how it worked or you had to bring snowflakes to the ‘snowmen’ like in new leaf.
It is a lovely idea to build snowmen 😍 Today was my first try and I failed miserably 😂 I was lucky and had two snowballs right outside my house. Rolled the snowballs and gave it my best shot 🙈 was told basically rubbish but lucky as it was their birthday 🥳 wish me luck tomorow 😝
Which method isn't better than spending hours hunting for balloons that have a low chance to contain limited recipes?

You are also guaranteed to get recipes for all your characters if you build a perfect snowboy. I'm definitely NOT collecting five entire sets out of balloons.
I like it WAY more. Especially since you can always reset (if you make sure it's not auto-saving) if the Snowboy isn't perfect. Whereas hunting for balloons is tedious and you're never guaranteed to get a DIY, which stinks. I've been TTing and already have all the frozen DIYs! ...But barely any festive/snowflake ones 😒
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It is a lovely idea to build snowmen 😍 Today was my first try and I failed miserably 😂 I was lucky and had two snowballs right outside my house. Rolled the snowballs and gave it my best shot 🙈 was told basically rubbish but lucky as it was their birthday 🥳 wish me luck tomorow 😝
Yah, you ALWAYS get a DIY for your first Snowboy, regardless of proportions. Just remember the head needs to be one size smaller then the body! My first time I can't count how many times I had to reset... but now I'm easily making them perfect without needing to reset at all (still need the big snowflakes, after all)
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It is a lovely idea to build snowmen 😍 Today was my first try and I failed miserably 😂 I was lucky and had two snowballs right outside my house. Rolled the snowballs and gave it my best shot 🙈 was told basically rubbish but lucky as it was their birthday 🥳 wish me luck tomorow 😝
Yah, you ALWAYS get a DIY for your first Snowboy, regardless of proportions. Just remember the head needs to be one size smaller then the body! My first time I can't count how many times I had to reset... but now I'm easily making them perfect without needing to reset at all (still need the big snowflakes, after all)
I'm def not great at snowmen so idk if I like it better lol. XD But I've been maybe once I get the first down and see in in-game with my character it'll be smoother. I've read the guides but idk lol.
I'm in Southern Hemisphere and there was barely any info about making Snowboys when I hit winter. I failed miserably LOL!
I failed miserably even with having guides, so I'm looking forward to having more free time over the weekend to try and fail as many times as I need to. 😆