Do you like the method of earning Frozen set DIYs?

I like this method better because I don't have to farm balloons. The turkey day and halloween events to get the diys were fun too.
it's better than shooting down balloons, but I am so bad at making snowboys that I sort of hate it.

I have a southern hemisphere island and this was exactly how I felt when I started playing it last July. It was frustrating but then I got better at making snow boys and started to look forward to making them.
i don't really like it because i don't have enough open grass on my island to make the snowmen :(
I like it because it's a nice change from the balloons. But it can be frustrating because it requires precision.
I love this method as well. Although, it took me awhile to build the perfect snowman haha. There were instances when I accidentally made the body its head lol!
Safe to say most or all of us like it this way. We are guaranteed a diy if we do it right. No wasting time. Just be patient and skillful enough to determine what is right.
I like it. I think it is fun, though it bothers me that if i mess up, i have to wait to tomorrow to try again or tt (which i did, but i really don’t want to if possible).
Absolutely NOT.

I like trading for DIYS.

If autosave kicks in and I've messed up a snowman, it's a waste of an entire day.
my island has very few unoccupied patches of land and so, i can already tell that getting the snowballs to spawn each day might be a bit of a hassle. however, i definitely still prefer this over balloon farming; despite my initial frustration, i actually really like getting to build snowboys and am having fun with it! so, while my island may not be exactly suited for this, it’s way less stressful than the other method of obtaining seasonal diys, which i’m happy about. :)
I definitely, definitely like it a lot better!
personally i don't like games being so heavily dependent on luck or chance. I know in real life luck is really important, but not thát important.
So being able to earn something purely on skill and/or certain amount of effort sound a lot more fair to me, than RNG.

So yes, give me a challenge anyday, if I fail I fail, but if I do, at least I know that I deserve it.
This is most terrible idea ever made in this game. Some may ask: why?
Answer is quite simple - for many months, players been encouraged to fill almost every single inch of island, terraform it... and then, winter comes and we need a space like for a racing arena to create snow balls... just to make a snowman.
Maybe adult + experienced players will have no problem making perfect snowmen, but what about young players / children?
I perceive it as most stressing and annoying thing.
I never like any form of winter, neither in real life nor in games. Personally, I don't care if I got a single recipe or not.
I saw one YT "tutorial", where suggestion was quite simple: "try to build a perfect one, if fail - start cheating" - bravo!
I wanted to add onto my opinion from yesterday.

I don’t think the snow boy method is bad but I wish it was better or there was information given on the size of the snow boy’s proportions. Eg: through Isabelle or Villagers. (Could be in the game but I haven’t seen it)
It also wasn’t mention that you need to talk to the snowboy daily to get big snowflakes before they melt away so, incase.

I am slightly happy that the frozen DIYs do go straight to your phone, but it does then make snowboys redundant after getting them all.

I think the event is fine but, I would have preferred making a snowboy ... regardless of proportions and then having to do tasks for them to get the diys. It would have been a lot easier and less shutting the game off and waiting until tomorrow to retry.
As is the case with most of the respondents, I greatly prefer the Snowboy DIY distribution method over the annoyance I'm currently going through trying to acquire all the Mush, Tree's Bounty, and leaves DIYs. For clarification's sake, I'm a time traveler, and I took a break during actual November, so I'm making up for lost time trying to get the DIYs I missed.

I got some of the Frozen DIYs months ago because when the game launched, due to my history of time traveling in all of the games in the series since the GameCube, I started in February instead of March so as to give myself a bit of a buffer to accommodate my playstyle (and because I greatly prefer Winter over Spring both in real life and in the games). Even if I mess up the Snowboy construction, which happened a few times, it's still a far more enjoyable method than shooting down balloons and just hoping that the random number generator decided to bestow a DIY upon you instead of clay or some furniture you don't want. At least I still have a snowperson adding some atmosphere to my island then, and can just try to build a proper one the next day.

That said, it kind of bugs me that we just get the Snowboy this time around. It was fun to have the whole family in New Leaf, and I'll especially miss the Snowman's bingo. Hopefully the Snowman, Snowmam, and Snowtyke will be added in the future.
I'm not good at making the perfect snowboy at all 😆
But I already have all the frozen DIYS from someone so it doesn't matter to me.

But is it a better way to earn DIYS than balloons? Heck yeah!
Nothing is more tedious than farming balloons for DIYS, where you might or might not get a DIY in the first place.

You can easily exist the game w/o saving if your snowboy wasn't perfect and do it over again, guaranteeing a DIY in the end.

The only issue I have w/ the snowboys is that you have to have a decently vacant area on your island to comfortably make one.
And for people, like myself, who have decorated every inch of their island, you have to make some sacrifices 🤡
No, it's an awful way to obtain them, many players can't even do it as their islands are heavily decorated.
And there's so many ways they could have done it, the first that came to my mind would be an advent calendar item you could place, or hang, and every day you could open the corresponding day, and after opening every door it would turn into a decoration.
For some reason I very rarely have success building the snow boy. I even tried using the build 10 tiles of a path thing and it still didn't work. I visually don't like the size they consider perfect and for some reason cannot build it the way they want it most times. I've tried al the "tricks", but I still don't get it. So I don't like this method because it's my pete peeve.
For some reason I very rarely have success building the snow boy. I even tried using the build 10 tiles of a path thing and it still didn't work. I visually don't like the size they consider perfect and for some reason cannot build it the way they want it most times. I've tried al the "tricks", but I still don't get it. So I don't like this method because it's my pete peeve.

I agree. I don't like the "perfect" size either. To me, the head is too big. But I make them that way to get recipes and large snowflakes. For appearance, I like the three-tiered snowperson better.
The method is fun but I don't like the shared island penalty :mad: I posted in the rant thread that my GF built the first snow boy this morning and now apparently I have to wait till it melts tomorrow before I get to play it. She got the frozen columns which is something I would be going crazy with already - and there's no guarantee that I'll get it right away when I finally get a chance to play with show balls.

Are you sure there are snow balls on the island for you as well? If there's space, I thought snow balls spawned for more than one player. I guess I was wrong. That's very unfortunate that each player doesn't get a chance to earn the recipes every day. :(

Just letting you two know even if you cannot build more than one snowman a day you can get one recipe from freshly built snowmen on all player characters. Just talk to the new snowman and he will give you a recipe. I did this with my second player character today and had no problems even if I hadn't built the snowman on that player.​