Do you like the method of earning Frozen set DIYs?

I definitely prefer the fact that you can get more DIYs through building the snow people. However I don't like the fact that it's not guaranteed every time and you can mess up and then it's done for the day.
I am terrible at making Snowboys, so I prefer balloons. I don't really care about the frozen set, so it's not a big deal if I don't get them all.
I like that they're mixing it up! Something to gradually do throughout the winter, and I've always liked building snowmen. It's nice to be rewarded through completing something as opposed to simply shooting down balloons.

My entire island is covered in sand so I'm not sure how this is going to work out for me though. 😅
It's a unique method, but I seem to have trouble getting the snowboy's proportions right. Today, I got the head to be the same size as the body instead of slightly smaller, recipe for me! I know I have one of the recipes (the table) so I guess I actually did it once when I time-travelled in the past...
I'd really like this method if like Turkey Day, they made the recipes available at Nooks after the event was over.
I just checked Nook's Cranny and I don't see any new recipes there... Do they only appear if you play on Turkey Day? I didn't.
I think it’s a pretty fun way to get some new diys, but it can be a little hard to make a snow boy if you don’t get the size of the snowballs right. I just made my first perfect snow boy today, so I think I have an idea on how to do it. 🙂
It's a unique method, but I seem to have trouble getting the snowboy's proportions right. Today, I got the head to be the same size as the body instead of slightly smaller, recipe for me! I know I have one of the recipes (the table) so I guess I actually did it once when I time-travelled in the past...I just checked Nook's Cranny and I don't see any new recipes there... Do they only appear if you play on Turkey Day? I didn't.
The turkey day recipes were available the day after Turkey Day, they disappear after that day!
Maybe adult + experienced players will have no problem making perfect snowmen, but what about young players / children?
Honestly I think it’s fairly intuitive :) when I was young playing wild world without guides I saw the snow balls and my first idea was to build a snowman, then it told me to proportion it right so I learned how to within a few days, the snowman series wasn’t hard to get at all ^^
It's okay. It's comparable to obtainimg Mermaid DIYs. You can get 1 DIY per day, and it involves completing some kind of task. The only downside is because it's 1 per day, you'll have to stay committed to doing it for x amount of days. With balloons, if you're up to it, you could farm them for hours and complete the DIY collection in 1 day.
As someone who didn't read much about snowboys before making one (that went terribly ) in game I was kinda disappointed there was no bingo or other snow family members :'c

-Also sad theyre pretty much useless after their birthdays.

However making them is very cute and did bring back some nostalgia of being a kid playing the older games. & I do like how they are garunteed unlike the baloons🙏
Yeah and I kinda wish the seasonal diys were like this too instead of being only forced to Balloon gifts only. I think they will change it because getting seasonal diys is a real pain.
It's better to have a different methods of earning diys. I'm so over waiting for balloons.
I know people tend to not like the balloon farming, but it doesn't really bother me. I can grind it out and get many in a single day (finished the snowflake set in two days), which is more appealing to me than being limited to only one a day with the snowboys. Having a mixed system where you can either get them from perfect snowboys OR balloon farming would be better, but I get that would be overkill on winter balloon DIYs. Obviously another solution is to allow animals to craft them too, like they did with the Spooky set.

That said I'm glad I got the three-tier snowperson already. It's much more of a Christmas decoration than the actual Frozen set, so getting it out early in the season is nice.
For the snowboy I wish it wasn't a perfect one to get a prize. I would prefer Snowmama from ACNL so all players can play for prizes.
Only one player can make the snowmama but all can collect snowflakes for prizes. Perfect snowmama would request 3 snowflakes for a prize. 5 snowflakes when she wasn't for a prize. Snowflakes in this game are very easy to collect. Friends hosted 3 snowflake snowmama events and it was a lot of fun playing in a group.

For ACNH the extra players only get a recipe if it's made correct. That's not a lot of fun for young children.
Yeah it’s definitely more skill based while the balloons are more luck based but as has been pointed out, you get limited to one per day. My brain says this way is better, because it’s more interesting and requires a little work rather than a grind. But my heart has wanted this furniture for my island since March and is just about ready to explode having to collect them one day at a time lmao.

I hadn’t thought about not being able to trade the recipes, that’s interesting. It does make it feel more like you earned it but I can see how it would be a drawback for some people. Especially if you have to share an island and get limited to one snowboy per day per island.
I really don't like it... I find it hard to make a perfect Snowboy. Everytime I've made one on my own I would think, "Wow I totally nailed that!" only for my Snowboy to tell me "You were so close! Sorry!"

I've taken the advice from a few Youtubers who posted how to get a perfect Snowboy everytime and it seems to work.

One other thing I don't like is that I had to remove trees and decorations from my island so I'd have a decent chunk of land to be able to build my Snowboys. It makes sense, you gotta have room not just to build them but for the little snowballs to spawn too but I also felt like I was ripping up my hard work!
It's definitely better than farming for balloons. I don't have time or patience to deal with 30 skirts and 100 iron nuggets before I get a recipe which may or may not be the ONLY ONE I already have. So far I've just had to reset once or twice before building a perfect snowman, and that took me like 10 minutes tops. For comparison, it took me two weeks to get the first fall DIY, and I wasn't ignoring balloons (IF they popped up).
It's okay. It's comparable to obtainimg Mermaid DIYs. You can get 1 DIY per day, and it involves completing some kind of task. The only downside is because it's 1 per day, you'll have to stay committed to doing it for x amount of days. With balloons, if you're up to it, you could farm them for hours and complete the DIY collection in 1 day.

The mermaid DIYs drive me crazy. With snow boys, I can close without saving to try to make one again if I fail the first time and still the whole process takes less than 10 minutes. With mermaid recipes, it can take so much longer and then Pascal gives too many pearls and clothes before giving all the recipes. I also just like seeing Pascal so it's a bummer that it can take so long to find him.
It's skill based, which is what it should be. Putting most of the games content on luck is not fair to anyone. You could grind a full 24 hour day and not get any balloon diy and you could hop on one day and get 5 in one hour. If this was for some random rare, that is fine, but this is like the bulk of the game. So this is a much appreciated approach.

There was a game I used to play that had rare weapons that dropped from enemies when you killed them. Some special enemies could only drop it and the drop rate was like 1 out of a million chance or something crazy. But that was just one legnedary weapon and not all the weapons or rares. You could go through the entire game and not have to worry about that 1-million weapon because it wasn't essential to the game like DIY ARE.
It's certainly better to get them from the snowboy, I'm fed up waiting for balloons to appear, I can stay half an hour running on my beach and not seeing a single balloon, and the few times some appear they always are furniture, money or materials. I have neither the patience nor the time to wait hour and hours to get the recipes, the cherry-blossom ones were much easier, I don't remember having to "farm" then, just while playing normally they appear, but now it's nearly impossible. Same reason I haven't got the sea pig yet, after 1h trying I just get bored and stop trying.