Senior Member
I definitely prefer the fact that you can get more DIYs through building the snow people. However I don't like the fact that it's not guaranteed every time and you can mess up and then it's done for the day.
I just checked Nook's Cranny and I don't see any new recipes there... Do they only appear if you play on Turkey Day? I didn't.I'd really like this method if like Turkey Day, they made the recipes available at Nooks after the event was over.
The turkey day recipes were available the day after Turkey Day, they disappear after that day!It's a unique method, but I seem to have trouble getting the snowboy's proportions right. Today, I got the head to be the same size as the body instead of slightly smaller, recipe for me! I know I have one of the recipes (the table) so I guess I actually did it once when I time-travelled in the past...I just checked Nook's Cranny and I don't see any new recipes there... Do they only appear if you play on Turkey Day? I didn't.
Honestly I think it’s fairly intuitiveMaybe adult + experienced players will have no problem making perfect snowmen, but what about young players / children?
It's okay. It's comparable to obtainimg Mermaid DIYs. You can get 1 DIY per day, and it involves completing some kind of task. The only downside is because it's 1 per day, you'll have to stay committed to doing it for x amount of days. With balloons, if you're up to it, you could farm them for hours and complete the DIY collection in 1 day.