Do you like to argue / debate?

Do you like to argue / debate?

  • Most of the time

    Votes: 23 29.9%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 32 41.6%
  • Not at all

    Votes: 22 28.6%

  • Total voters
Yup. Sometimes I'll say an extremely radical opinion that most people don't support (sometimes I don't even support it) just to see how people react online.
I actually really hate conflict and avoid it at all cost but get very vocal about injustice and unfairness. I can be a keyboard warrior.
Nope, I'm not a fan of debates. I know I'm not good at them and I know I'll say something dumb if I partake in one, so when it comes to stuff like controversy, I just keep quiet and do nothing.
I like to in real life as people know me closely and I have a reputation; in those debates I'm serious and will use sources. But on the internet I don't give a **** an ill say things without referencing, even if it's true.
lol like 70% of the conversations with my brothers are arguments so i guess i do
Not really, it just frustrates me to no end, especially when it's something I am very much right about like with scientific and documented proof and the person's just like "Nope, I'm still right." and I just want to shoot myself, or them, maybe both of us, in the head. I remember doing it in school with some really really dumb people and it really just gets me super angry and frustrated, now if it's like a simple discussion I much prefer that, I don't mind hearing about people's opinions and thoughts, that's usually how it starts out, and I usually just tell them my opinions with intentions to do only that, like "Well that's neat that you think it's that way cause IMO it's this way. :)" and then they usually go off like "NO THAT'S NOT HOW I JUST TOLD YOU HOW WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?"
I love arguing/debating as long as it's irl or with someone I'm close to if it's over the internet. I just don't like negative confrontation with people on the internet that I don't know because you never know who you're talking to most the time and they could just be a 12 year old immature troll. It used to be important for me to get the last word in, but I have started being more chill and not caring as much, and if I'm proven wrong I will accept it.
I hate arguing. It has never been my thing, and I always feel so unsure about what I say. It just put's me in a really uncomfortable situation, so no thankyou.
I enjoy healthy, reasonable debates with grownups/people who can handle themselves appropriately. I don't think I'm always right, nor do I need to have the last word (anymore).

I do not enjoy debating with people determined to hang on to their racist/homo or transphobic/ bigoted/anti secular governance/anti science/anti medicine/anti pro choice/otherwise ignorant - in my opinion - views. In my experience, those people who hold extremely strong views along those lines are *not* willing or able to engage in a civil debate. I'm sure there are those who would say the opposite is true, which I don't doubt. It's not true of me, however. Over the years I've learned to pick my battles a little more wisely though, so I tend not to engage with debates with "lost causes" unless there are others involved who are amenable to genuine discussion, or I have the time and energy to waste listing sources etc for randoms not involved to follow up if they please (as if the OP is themselves a brickwall not open to debate, no point wasting effort).
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It depends on the topic, I argue about topics that I find informative or that of a manner that I can speak of.
sometimes, it depends. i generally don't start arguments with others unless they're saying something harmful. i'm going to go shoving my views down someone's throat unless their own views are hurting people.

that, and i can't help but get into arguements about fiction, b/c i'm a dork.

arguing can be a nice way to get off some steam, and i can't really argue anything irl because calling out anybody in my family for any stupid sh** they say just results in me being told to shut up.
argue - yes if I know I'm right or if I'm too lazy I will call them a '****ing dumbass how could you even believe that' I love being a sadist!
but to me debate means like debating in class u know that situation I'm not about that life
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