Do You Like Your Current Neighbors?


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2009
Do you like your current neighbors in your town? Or do they annoy you to the point of you want to kill them all? Or do you just kinda' like your neighbors? Personally, I just kinda' like my neighbors.

NOTE: Just so there isn't any confusion, I MEAN THE NEIGHBORS IN YOUR TOWN ON CITY FOLK! Not in real life, lol.

The word on the poll is supposed to be "Like" sorry I always mess up on my polls >.<
Yeah, i'm pretty sure its Roald. I just had one of my tigers move out of my town :( I used to have both tigers but Rolf just moved out of my town :(
I actually like all my neighbours but I'm getting kind of sick of them if I'm honest, a few of them keep saying they want to move out but they never do >_> I want someone new D;
i like all of mine except patty. i got some really awesome characters during the time warp to fix my grass like camofrog.
I like all of mine except CESAR. ugh. he's annoying
and Moose just moved out so now I am happy, because I didn't like him either.
So hopefully I get a cool new animal!

And I have Roald. He's awesome!
Some of them are okay...
I like Jeremiah, Pierce, and Poppy... but the rest are plain annoying.

I have Peewee and Cesar too... ugh. DX
Most of my neighbors are pretty o.k., though I wish I had some more move in. I'm starting to really get attached to Walker here if only becuase he says he'll leave. >_>
My neighbors are alright i guess.. I have PomPom, she's an annoying little piece of work.. but other than that I'm fine =D
They're okay I guess, I don't really like or dislike most of them. The only one I really like is Buck.
My neighbors are cool, but I'm really close to Wendy and Vesta.
The rest of my favorites moved away.
I want to get rid of Alli the Alligator. She's freakin' annoying.
Also, I would want Goldie to live in my town. She's like the best neighbor I have in WW.
Tank, Champ, Moe, Peanut, and Curt are my favorites. I just wish Bill would move in, he was the best Neighbor in my Wild World town.