Only when I'm not at home. There's really no point since I'm the only one here barring the cats, and I doubt they'd comprehend what they're seeing if they happen to wander in on me.
i always lock it when im at my friends' houses or when im using a communal family bathroom, but when my sister is not at home i dont bother since only my sister uses this bathroom as well as me.
My place doesn't have locks in any of the rooms and it drives me nuts. We do keep the door closed anytime anyone's using it.
I remember a guest got locked into our bathroom and it took some creativity to get them out lmao
As for public places, always. The worst is when you get into a stall and the lock doesn't work with the door that keeps trying to open itself. The struggle.
I always do. There were several occasions back around 2006 where I'd forget to and my dad would open up the door and see me on the toilet seat. It was embarrassing.
I always do when there are guests over, or when I'm in public bathrooms (who doesn't lock doors in public?? o-o)
I don't care if my parents or my brother see, since they're direct family but if it's cousins, grandparents, etc, I will lock the door.
I somehow have this really bad habit of getting locked and or trapped in bathrooms. Once I got locked in a really old stall at my high school. I couldn't get the door slide lock out and I had to text my best friend to try to get me out. I've gotten locked in my bathroom at home twice, and once the door locked behind me in a mall. I still try to lock the door if I can, but if I'm at home I normally don't because I only use my bathroom and the door is kind of moody and gets stuck sometimes. I just try to keep a screwdriver in my bathroom in case I need to get myself out.
Sometimes. So my family is pretty open and so if it's just my family at home I will probably not lock it, sometimes might I even dare say... I leave the door open. Our cats like to come into the bathroom with us often as well, but I mean, I'm not above having the door open, but again that's only if it's my family home. Anywhere that isn't my home or if some guests are over I will lock it and everything. I will also usually lock it if I am taking a shower or ya know, number two. But yeah, we announce we're going the the bathroom and me and my sister routinely leave the door open so yeah... maybe we're hella weird.
Only if I feel like someone might try to come in without knocking. Sounds a little weird, but I can't tell you how many times I've been in the bathroom and had someone go for the knob, realize it was locked, and then try knocking. (?_? )
usually but not always at home because the door knob falls off reslly easily and usually ppl know if someone is in there so they wont go in if someones there. when people are visiting or we have guests i aleays lock it amd always when i'm not home lol ...
Only when I'm using a public bathroom or when I have guests. Otherwise it's just me and my husband and he'll only intrude if it's for something important.