I always lock the bathroom door, even if it's my own bathroom that I know no-one will go into, it's just a natural instinct for me to lock the door when I close it.
This is a hilarious. I chose the magical fifth option:
I lock outside my home, always.
But inside my home, it depends if my kids are around. Those little boogers are so invasive.
I don't now that I live alone but if I someone's over with me or if I'm at someone else's house I definitely do. I've had people open the door enough to never miss it being locked lol.
I almost always do. When not at home, I always will since I don't want a stranger intruding while I'm doing my business. When at home, I won't if I'm going pee or if I'm alone, otherwise I'll lock it.
Literally the only time I don't is when I'm home alone and I'm going to have a quick pee.
Every other time, I always do.
The worst are people who don't lock the door in public. The bathrooms where I work are only a single toilet for men, and a single one for women. I've walked in on someone peeing at least five times. It's the most annoying thing. And they always give me a dirty look like it's my fault. Super obnoxious.