Do you love your island?

Do you love your island?

  • I love it

    Votes: 75 87.2%
  • I dont love it

    Votes: 11 12.8%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2017
Tasty Cake
You dont have to like your island to love it.
There can be lots you dislike about it and things you want to change and wish were different.

But does it feel like your home? Does it hold precious memories? Does it make you happy being there?

Or does none of that apply to you when you're there? Do you feel no real bond with the place?
Some affection but ultimately you wouldn't be too upset if you had to reset?
Yes I spent a lot of hours on it, there was plenty of times I felt it wasn't so good here and there but over time I kept making improvements, now I'm at the point where It's almost finished and I'm just perfecting little bits as I go along. I think in a few weeks I will be completely done decorating it, then I'll upload the dream address and basically be done with it.

I'd be gutted if I lost it and would never even consider resetting because I spent a full year on it.

Just to add, I've copied stuff directly from other Islands before because I thought it looked cool, but then the area would eat away at me knowing it wasn't really something I'd come up with myself, even if I'm not as good at putting areas together as some people, I always feel much better knowing it's my own, I don't have any areas anymore that are copied from others, not that it's a bad thing, taking inspiration from other places, but it's just how it felt to me personally.
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Aye. It feels like home to me, I couldn’t ever imagine having a different one, I like my river mouths, my native fruit, and just the layout I’ve gotten used to and played from day 1.
Even seeing really awesome towns other people make have me going, ‘that’s cool, but it ain’t cooler then mine’. My town is a mess, but it’s my beautiful mess.
I love it. I do. It's far from perfect, but I get so much relaxation and joy from just wandering around it for a few minutes a day, enjoying the scenery. The memories matter to me, too - I think that because I've never time travelled or traded, everything I have feels earned and special to me, and each item has its own significance and has a history. It all feels like it's truly mine, you know? I get why people want to do these big themed islands and whatnot, and most of them look so much cooler than mine, but to me what's important is that mine feels like home. I'm proud to have made it, flaws and all!
I also love my island. I still think I never could have gotten a better layout. Yes there are some things I don't like that much like one rock at the beach and the secret beach is in the middle. But flaws just make it more perfect. If it would be to perfect I certainly would never really connect to it, because I would never get angry about it sometimes. You really need to also be angry at something you really love sometimes otherwise you can't appreciate what is given to you.
This island also was the one I experimented with an regretted some choices I made. Like make it flat at some point. But those are the things that make it more me.
I love the game and I love playing on my island. However, it is a mess. Hybrids ran wild and I cannot decide on design. I see so many inspirational ideas, but my town is not like my pretty NL towns. I just do not know where to start. But I do love every minute I am there.
I do love mine. I had seen some of the potential layouts before the game released, so I knew what I wanted in terms of river layout and such. I did reset once or twice to get the fruit I wanted - I was looking for pears. Once I saw that, I didn't worry too much about who my starters were, because I planned to move them out later (didn't happen, because they grew on me).

I wasn't sure until after I unlocked terraforming, but once that was available, things fell into place. I didn't really do a lot of changes, but the few tweaks made it more my own.

I've moved buildings around a bit and changed different areas several times, but now it really feels like me.
I love my islands. I made it my own and put many hours into them. It definitely holds memories of connecting with friends online instead of in person due to the pandemic. I would be very upset if anything happened to them.
initially, i voted for “no” but after some thought, i realized that my vote wouldn’t of been accurate as i do love my island. i haven’t dedicated much time to decorating it or landscaping so i don’t love it in that regard but it really is my home. i love the progress that i’ve made in terms of collecting villager photos, expanding my catalog, collecting all of the diys and completing my museum and critterpedia. i love my villagers and the bonds that i’ve created with them. i love my island rep and her design. my island may not be finished and it may still need a lot of work but it’s been my home and my safe space for the last year of my life and i can’t imagine being without it. 💚
nope, that's why i'm flattening it for a second time 😅

that being said, the villagers themselves feel like home to me and i would hate to lose them, they almost feel like a second family to me.
i especially refuse to reset ever again after taking eons to find bianca and freya again last time i reset.
Most people would probably think it needs work because it’s not crowded with tons of items and different handmade sections, but I love it for the 20 minutes I play each day.
I love both my islands and I don’t think I could ever reset either. They both need a lot of work. My problem is I have so many ideas just not sure how to implement them. I took my time on my second island more then my first. I’m trying a zen garden on one island and trying to put two villagers house in that area but it’s not working how I thought it would. I love my villagers and can’t decide who to keep and who to let go. The islands are a mess but they feel like home.
like, mine's obviously not the best island and i feel bad about it when i visit my sister's island because her's is outstanding
but yeah, i love my island and think it's pretty neat 💫

my second island is pretty or whatever but all the decorating is annoying me so i'm not a fan of that one lol
I love parts of it. I doubt I'll ever reset... there's things I'd miss and I don't want to go through the hassle of getting all the diys, cataloging items, and getting event furniture again. At the same time, there's things I'm not completely happy with... ideas that I had in my head that didn't quite pan out, but would have to move literal mountains to fix. I'm still working on it, so hopefully it'll get to a place where I'm more happy with it. I should have moved my rivers when everything was more empty.

Comparing my island to what I see on Twitter and Pinterest makes me feel bad, so I try not to do that... then again the random Dreamsuite makes me feel better most of the time. 😅

I wish it were possible to have several islands (or at least separate saves of the same island to go back to) because I'd be willing to experiment more.
Of course I love my island...I mean..its MY island.
I'm pretty ok with the default look and so I try not to terraform too much. I look at other terraformed islands and I like what they've done, but I'm more into the natural look. Since my island is a resort I try to focus on decorating rather than terraforming. There are certain natural spots for guests who want an eco experience so its all about balance for me. Overall I'm pretty satisfied with what I've done so far. If I had to do it over, it would more or less end up the same as now.
Yes definitely, but do I think about restarting every week just to hear that music and feel the atmosphere once again? Yes
1000+ hours later, I think I love mine :) It's by no means a perfect island but I think I did a decent job with it :)