Do you love your island?

Do you love your island?

  • I love it

    Votes: 75 87.2%
  • I dont love it

    Votes: 11 12.8%

  • Total voters
I do love my island :3 i would be pretty upset if i had to start over. my island isn't super decorated because i've gone for a more relaxed and natural theme, but i've spent a good bit of time putting it together and it means a lot. i guess it does feel homey in a way.. i am happy to return if i spend a lot of time at another island
I was thinking about restarting my file just last week because I missed how the beginning of the game felt. That would have been a huge mistake as I have put in over 900 hours and pretty much don't dislike a thing about my island. I did have mixed feelings about the space exhibit area but have since replaced it with some Mario items and now I am quite happy with it.
I love my island! I’ve spent too much time on NH not to. The decorating is almost done and I enjoy the general feel of the island.

I just I wish I hadn’t committed to villager hunting for my dreamies. Its taking forever and it’s the only thing I’ve been focusing on, which has caused me to rage quit a few times in the last few months. I just want to be at a point where I enjoy the day-to-day, but I’m not there yet. Here’s hoping I find the last two relatively easily!
I love my island. It was the first one I got on March 20th. I haven't reset it or flattened it ever. Comparing it to the original, you can definitely tell they're the same island.

I like that.

I have a history with it and it feels like I really made a new home. I love my villagers (who I rarely let move) and I've played every day for over a year now. :)
Yes I definitely love it! I think i have the best island ever, although I'm quiet biased ofcourse 😅
I've spend almost 800 hours on it and it turned out exactly like I planned it. So its perfect! I dont have a lot of the dreamies i planned of getting in the beginning, but the ones I have now I've really grown to love ♥️