Do you paint your nails? 💅


☆ Roxie of Avalar ☆
Aug 23, 2014
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Do you like to paint your nails? Do you paint them yourself or do you go to a nail salon?

I personally like to paint my own nails, I'll occasionally go to the salon but it's been years since I've gotten acrylics.
I hadn’t had my nails painted in decades until recently when I got a simple manicure for a pride party. I really loved how they looked and plan to paint them myself again for Nicholas’ birthday next week.
I like when my nails are painted but I very rarely bother. I am an ex nail biter and do occasionally chew my thumb nails when I am stressed so nails normally look horrible 🙈

You have inspired me to put on clear varnish and try a bit more self care 💜
I don't. I also lack any nails to paint.

I will say that I'm vocally against the stigma that other guys can't paint nails.

It's one of those things that just doesn't hurt anybody and it's silly to be judgemental about.
Very rarely I'll paint them at home with my very limited range of colors (dark purple, dark green or black) but since it tends to chip away easily I get annoyed at it and remove it quickly so nowadays I mostly have bare nails.
Though the good part with black nail polish is that even if it's chipping away it still looks good, it looks emo lmao. Maybe that's why it's the one I tolerate the most.
I go through different phases where sometimes I will paint them regularly and then I will stop for months or years and then start back up again. I always do my own nails though I've never had them professionally done.

I enjoy the look but I hate the drying process. I probably need to buy better nail polish that dries faster.
I’ve actually never painted my nails even once. I don’t tend to enjoy even the mildest sorts of “body modification”—I joked with a coworker the other day that I just prefer to remain in my factory default state. I’ve never worn makeup of any kind either, nor do I dye my hair. I can appreciate fun nail polish or a cool new hair color on somebody else, though!

(I also have a number of sensory issues and one of them is needing to keep my nails quite short at all times. I trim my nails every 2-3 days. So that probably has something to do with it too!)
Sometimes! When I was younger, I paid more attention to my nails.. so I would like to paint them different neon colors but.. nowadays, I prefer just clear! I like the glossy look! I also like the feeling of the paint, it feels refreshing
Also to the people who are saying that they're keeping their nails short so they don't paint their nails- when my nails are stubs- I still like to paint them so don't let that discourage you !! It doesn't matter what length your nails are (at least in my opinion)
i'm a nervous nail biter and while it's gotten less severe compared to when i was younger, i keep my nails super short to try and deter me from biting them. painting them usually gets me to stop too, but i think it's the shorter length that helps me out. i don't paint my nails as often as i like, but i'll usually opt for darker colours like navy blue or black. or in a nude that matches my actual nail colour/skin tone. i'll sometimes do just a clear polish or even just a layer of a sparkly polish with a layer of top coat cause i like how smooth the polish feels after it dries!
I do not but mostly cause it's a lot of upkeep and I can never paint my right hand nicely using my left hand. It always turns out to be a hot mess.
No. And I know boys do this too, but I'm too normal and sophisticated for that.
I have the nails of a gremlin that works with its hands so my nails are never really nice enough to be painted lmao. Lately though I have been tempted to paint them black, I even bought some black nail polish... just haven't gotten around to it yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i don't paint my nails myself, would probably end up with it all over my fingers, but if I am going on holiday or it's a special occasion i'll often get them done, though then I have to make a conscious effort not to stress bite them.
I use to go once a month and get gell sets/fills once a month on my hands and toes. I got bored with the options available and now I order custom sets, then affix with gel or glue.
I love painting my nails! I have probably ten different bottles of nail polish, and my favourite one is LA Colors Mermaid Magic in the colour Teal! it's so shimmery and sparkly and beautiful 🥺✨

I had my nails painted recently, but I had to remove it because it grew out. and I can't repaint them atm because I'm dealing with psoriasis (and nail polish remover makes it burn a lot hsjfhsgs). I'm hoping that my hands heal soon so I can try this cute sparkly pink polish that I have 🩷🌟

also I think it would be nice to get a manicure done someday! just so I can be pampered a bit hehehe.
I don't paint mine anymore. I use to all the time until I started working. When working it wasn't as often and then I moved to those sticker nail things because they were fun, kinda held up better, and didn't take much time and when I got a cleaning job I dropped it altogether.

I don't think I'd go back to it. Nothing wrong with it but I think I would just rather spend my time on other things.

When I painted my nails I usually did plain silver, black, or a light color with a silver sparkle on top.
No. I barely have the energy to do basic hygiene care after work. Painting my nails would put me to sleep while I wait for them to dry.
i used to in middle school lol. it was definitely a fun little hobby and i was pretty decent at it. unfortunately i'm too lazy to upkeep my nails with all the chipping and then needing to repaint when they grow that i can't be bothered anymore. the only time i bother with my nails anymore is when they chip or grow too uncomfortably long to type on my keyboard.
i used to but the paint would never last two days because i pick at it ☹️