I played the violin for like the shortest time ever in grade school... I am trash and wish I could dedicate myself to learning an instrument so I'd have something to hide behind while I sing and could make videos....
I've play the trumpet/cornet since 5th grade. When I left that school I still continued taking lessons for it and joined a brass band because I loved it so much. It's funny, because the original reason why I chose the trumpet was because it had three valves, which made it look simple to me. Never thought I'd end up continuing it
I play nothing (apparently I am not musically inclined according to a test we had to take in 5th grade) but for some reason at the time I was obsessed with the flute and clarinet, I have no idea why.
Now I really like the violin, whenever I hear one I get goosebumps no matter what song is being played.
Yeah... I definitely have some weird tastes in instruments.
I really want to learn the Eb Clarinet/Oboe or the Baritone. My teacher is kind of being a stick in the mud about it though. He says that it will be too hard to learn those specific instruments. (He says this despite me getting into advance band with the french horn in 2 weeks without previously playing any brass instruments. He also gave me 1st chair in viola when I just learned it just started playing even with other experiences players. He also gave someone the "chance" of trying to play the tenor/baritone saxophone without any quotas. I was also the best student player to different, piano teacher. {I knew because she puts the most experienced person as the last person in the concert.} He also entrusts me with many things.)
As you can tell, I'm a bit stingy about him not giving me a shot at learning new instruments. All I want is to try. I'm trying not to boast my musical inclination, but I'm trying to make him aware that I feel that I am capable to take on the challenge.
I used to. I studied violin from age 7 through my early 20s. Unfortunately, through several moves, my case got lost. The violin I had wasn't worth much, but my bow was rather valuable.
I've played around with a tin whistle, and I got to where I could do simple tunes, but just for myself. Actually, my cat hated it (the pitch must have hurt his ears), so I sort of stopped playing. Maybe I should see if my girls are more tolerant.
I've toyed with the idea of getting an ocarina (inexpensive, because I don't know if I'd really like it), and learning some of the Zelda tunes.