I played piano in elementary school and flute in middle school. I was terrible at both. In university I started playing cello and absolutely fell in love with it. It's definitely my instrument!
A: At the moment... I do not play a musical instrument. I used to play the flute back in elementary school because it was a requirement from what I remembered. I chose the flute as my musical instrument to play because it was small and the fact that most of my classmates picked the violin. It just a little weird to me to see the majority of the instruments to be that one back then. The flute was a bit hard to play from what I can remember since the teacher who was hosting this musical class didn't know much about the flute. After that whole musical class thing was done and over with... I never bothered to pick up playing a musical instrument again.
Ah music! I taught myself piano and continue to do so, but like, I wouldn't be able to hop on stage and give you a concert or anything. I took lessons for violin and still own one, but I don't play anymore (although every once in a while I'll pick it up and have fun). And I'm vocally trained and still love to sing. However with college and my major, I haven't been able to take any choir classes which really bums me out.
I've played the piano since 6th grade. When I left school I still continued taking lessons for it for a while and joined a club for it because I q it so much.It's kind of funny, because the reason why I chose the piano in the first place was because it looked simple to me. Never thought id still play it