Do you play with headphones?

Which way do you play the majority of the time?

  • Without headphones

  • With headphones

  • No sound

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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2019
Purple Feather
White Rose
White Pansy
White Lily
Red Tulip
Red Lily
Red Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
White Cosmos
Red Balloon
A while back my pair of headphones broke and I was left playing the game without headphones. I found this experience extremely irritating as without headphones it is difficult to have a sense of directionality to quickly find things like balloons, insects making noise, or the thought-bubble noise a villager is making. Then I realized perhaps I'm spoiled and the advantages of headphone play are relatively unknown. One nice thing I really love about the Switch is you can play with headphones even when docked to a television.

So, do you play with headphones, without headphones, or with no sound at all?
I don’t have headphones that can be attached to the Switch so I have my volume very low or completely muted because I don’t particularly care for the music.
I've played all 3 ways before, and I regret to admit that most of the time I keep playing it with no sound (I like the music on my laptop more oops) when I take it to my room except for certain events like Toy Day (different music) or if I want to fish (I have an easier time if I can hear it biting.) I also have sound when there's K.K. Slider, but I keep forgetting to talk to him.
Otherwise, yeah there's sound when I play it on my TV.

Edit: Forgot to mention if I do have sound on in my room I use headphones.
Usually I have my Switch docked when I play, so I don't have headphones in, but when I'm playing undocked I'll usually have headphones in to listen to the game audio.
I like hearing the music but I have never once played with headphones! I guess I tend to play at home rather than on the go, though.
No headphones, and no sound. Can't do it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Gets too redundant and disruptive after a while. Only on occasion will I turn up the volume, like for some balloons, shooting stars, new villagers, favorite hourly tracks, and/or playing a K.K. song on a music player for a newly decorated area to check for The Vibes™️. Also, like many others said, I often listen to my own music while playing, anyway.
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I didn't know it had any, and no, I'd never use headphones.

They are irritating, and the NH soundtrack is so obnoxious and loud, I sometimes turn the sound off.
Depends on my mood. Most of the time I play without it. Although it's a must for me when I play rhythm games.
I want Rhythm Heaven for the Switch.
For a while it was without headphones because mine were broke. I usually play handhelds with headphones simply because the sound is better. I dont expect handhelds to have amazing speakers and i feel if you feel differently then perhaps the regular switch docked is more for you. I have a switch lite.
It was something i noticed as a kid with my mom tired of hearing my ds
My preference is either no sound or with headphones. Sometimes i'll play without my headphones though.
The lack of audio options mean that I typically play it muted. I would like to have the sound effects like footsteps on, but the soundtrack can get monotonous for me.
Yeah im not the biggest fan of this game's ost so I usually listen to podcasts while I terraform.

11PM in NL really just hit different.
I dont use headphones and just let the music play out loud. Even if I want to listen to outside music, I still have the in-game music playing because I really need game sounds to enjoy playing a game. I just turn the volume low enough.
i don’t. while i always play with sound on (unless it’s 3am), i’ve only played with headphones 2-3 times and definitely prefer playing without them. 😅