I used to say hot, but apparently that's why I'm having nosebleeds. Well, normally, especially at this time of year, it would be hot, and in the summer it would be cold, like a normal person.
I usually have hot-warm showers, but in summer for the last five or ten seconds I turn it down to cool-cold. I find it feels really refreshing to cool down your skin and body after all that time under hot water but I can't bring myself to do it winter.
I'm not too sure what temperature my showers usually are, but I prefer showers that I consider warm. I can't deal with cold showers unless it's way too hot outside, and showers that are too hot are too uncomfortable for me to deal with, lol.
I could stand in a hot shower foreverrrrrr. It is one of my favourite things.
Right now I dyed my hair blue so I actually have to do ice cold to wash my hair, and I dread it everyday. I wash it as fast as possible and then turn it back to hot and then don't put my hair under for the remainder of shower
Hot showers all the way! I take hot showers year-round, even during the summer. Warm showers are fine, but cold showers are a no-go for me. I don't even like to wash my hands with cold water, so having cold/frigid water on my body is even worse.
I take hot showers, or at least warm showers bordering on hot. Sometimes will need to lower the heat a bit, so I don't like it scalding, but yeah. There seem to be some benefits to taking cold showers but I, at least thus far, can't will myself to try it because it doesn't seem like it would be pleasant. A hot/warm shower is relaxing, whereas a cold shower seems like it would be unenjoyable and just leave you shivering.