Do you prefer streaming movies, or the movie theater?

Streaming, or Movie theater?

  • Streaming

    Votes: 18 64.3%
  • Movie theater

    Votes: 10 35.7%

  • Total voters
I would almost always prefer to go to a theater, that experience just hits different haha. plus my setup at home is jank and definitely doesn't give the same vibe as seeing a movie in a theater.
Definitely prefer streaming. I can watch a movie at any given time and freely rewind if I missed something
i like streaming more in general since it's more comfortable and convenient, but i like going to the theater for certain movies i'm really looking forward to watching
I prefer streaming, since I'd rather watch a movie at my own leisure within the comfort of my own home rather than in some movie theatre. I haven't felt the need to watch a movie in theatres in ages, lol.
I've never been a big movie theatre goer, I definitely prefer to stream movies at home. It's just easier to fit into my schedule, I don't have to deal with the possibility of other people being annoying during the movie, and I have my own snacks that aren't crazy prices.
I am a movie lover and prefer the theatres!

I'm sad I missed Inside Out 2 and waiting for it to go online since my friend flopped and saw it with someone else without telling me smh
I usually prefer to just stream movies, but it is fun to go to the movie theater every now and then
I prefer streaming movies when I want to just relax at home, though going out to the movies can be enjoyable. I have many fond memories of watching films at the cinema with my family and the experience can be so thrilling and immersive. I just don't like it when I get inconvenient seats or if people are being too noisy at the movies.
I usually prefer to stream movies, but I can't say no to going to a movie theater.

☆ I can get up for anything and not miss the movie.
☆ I can change the volume.
☆ The room won't likely be crowded, depending on how many people are in the room.
☆ I can change the movie or turn it off if it turns out that I don't like it after all.
☆ I can use a phone and not disturb anything.
☆ I can get food and beverage without paying.
☆ If it's an anime movie I'm watching, like Studio Ghibli, I can watch it in either English or Japanese.
☆ You won't need tickets to watch the movie at home.
☆ I can watch an older movie that's no longer being played at theaters.

Although I'd have to clean up the mess myself, unlike at a movie theater, where the staff will clean up everyone's messes.
Going to the movie theatre is always more fun for me! There's something oddly comforting about a bunch of strangers coming together to watch the same movie at the same time. It's nice to hear people laugh with you during the funny parts, watch silently with you during the sad/serious parts, etc. It's such a simple yet nice human experience.

The best movie theatre experience I've ever had was going to see Barbie on opening night. It was such a special, unforgettable experience. The theatre was comfortably packed, and seeing almost everyone come wearing pink or nice outfits in a different colour was so good. The vibe in that movie theatre and even while leaving was so joyous and healing. I honestly don't think I would love Barbie as much as I do if I hadn't seen it for the first time in the theatre; the movie theatre employees and the strangers I saw the movie with were a big part of making the experience as magical as it was. 🩷

Streaming movies is great too, though! It's also nice to watch a movie in the comfort of your own home, wearing comfy clothes, and not having to pay an arm and a leg for a drink and snacks. I only go to the theatre to see a movie if I really want to see it, and can't/don't want to wait for it to release outside of theatres. If I don't mind waiting, I do and just watch the movie at home.
I went to see Barbie a few days after it came out, and it was a lovely experience! Hearing everyone clap after America Ferrera’s monologue, seeing the kids dance during the credits, and of course the PINK! Nearly everyone wore something pink. I saw an older couple wearing pink, and after the movie ended, the husband said it was “amazing!”

There was also a boy who got bored during the “I’m Just Ken” song and told his grandma “If you’re leaving, take me with you!” 😂 Idk why but it was hilarious.

Overall I prefer streaming movies, BUT some theater experiences (like Barbie) are wonderful and I would be sad if they disappeared.
Old movies on streaming. New movies in the cinema. Thats how it goes for me.