Do you prefer streaming movies, or the movie theater?

Streaming, or Movie theater?

  • Streaming

    Votes: 41 70.7%
  • Movie theater

    Votes: 17 29.3%

  • Total voters
streaming, I enjoy watching films in the comfort of my own home where I can fully relax and take a break if needed without missing any important part of the story, also its handy been able to control the volume or turn on the subtitles if needed and don't have to worry about anyone else disturbing the film. sometimes I enjoy the experience of the cinema but generally only go a couple of times year and that's often enough for me.
Honestly, streaming. It's free and I'm at home, away from everyone else. People are such douchebags these days that it makes it frustrating to go to the theater. People are always on their phones or talking the entire time. Ruins the experience, despite the joy of having the movie on the big screen, in 3D, loud sound, etc. Plus it's hella expensive to go in general so to pay those high prices only to get irritated by people the entire time, might as well stay home and enjoy it there for free. It sucks when people ruin stuff.
Overall, I find streaming better. Streaming movies has more freedom with changing the volume and the convenience of pausing and going back to a specific scene.
Overall, I prefer streaming. It’s a bit cheaper to wait and rent a movie instead of buying a ticket and popcorn. Also, I can get up at any time to get more snacks or use the restroom.

The only cons that I can think of with streaming are that:

-Microwave popcorn doesn’t taste as good as movie popcorn.

-My loud as hell AC turning on every few minutes.
Streaming. It's way more convenient and cheaper. I don't have to be very conscious about the noise my snacks would make, and I can react without any care in the world.
i prefer streaming at home. it’s more comfortable and i can snack on as much as i want.

i do still enjoy the experience of going to the theater though, especially for new movies that i actually want to see
im not a movie person so i'm almost always streaming at home with whatever i feel like. i think the last time i was in a movie theaters was last year?
I prefer streaming because it's more comfortable and the theaters around me are kind of gross, but if it's a movie I've been greatly anticipating, I'll watch it in theater for the experience.
Without a doubt, streaming! I prefer having the comfort and not the hassle of getting there, parking and I can see the whole screen without people infront!
Movie theater is best imo, i even have a subscription to it so I can go as much as I want. Some people working there know me even lol
I prefer watching movies at home. Sometimes it takes me 2 or 3 days to finish a full-length movie since I can only sit through about 30 minutes at a time. Theaters are great but going to them means paying and leaving the house, what a pain.
I prefer streaming as I can watch in the comfort of my own home and have lots of yummy drinks and snacks. Also so much nicer to not have annoying people around who talk through the movie or crunch loud snacks and slurp drinks. People can be annoying 😂
It’s been so long since I’ve been to the movie theaters I can’t even remember what the last movie I’ve seen in one was. I do like the movie theater atmosphere though when the experience is good because sometimes other people enhance the experience while other times they can ruin it. I do kinda wish I could have seen Barbie in theaters. I definitely would have went all out with my pink outfit. I do prefer streaming in the comforts of my own home (or at a friends house) though over movies theater. Less to worry about and can have whatever snacks to munch on.
i don't mind either way but i had to choose i would pick streaming. going to the movies is too expensive nowadays and the experience isn't worth it at all. u are often eating bad and overpriced concession food plus dealing with people who sometimes lack basic etiquette? nah.
Honestly neither. I almost never stream movies and only occasionally go to the theatre to see movies I’m really excited about which these days is far and few in between. I mainly prefer older movies in general.

I typically watch downloaded (which is similar but isn’t the exact same as streamed as I prefer to load the full movie onto my device first in case I lose/drop internet) or physical copies of media at home.