Do you prefer the beach or the pool?

Beach or Pool?

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Jul 12, 2015
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For me, I love both. I love the environment at the beach, I love being able to swim in the waves and you often see cool things such as fish swimming around. But I also love the pool as a closer alternative for swimming that doesn’t burn my eyes as much, and doesn’t have sand. But if I had to choose, the beach would probably hold my preference.

How about you?
I prefer the pool because the ocean honestly terrifies me. I did really enjoy sitting at the beach in Aruba when I went there younger and I did a little snorkeling in a closed off shallow area and I really enjoyed that. But when it comes to swimming, I prefer the pool. 🙂
I don't like stepping on things I don't see. It freaks me out so much. So pool for me.
i like going to the beach more because of the view and overall vibe! i haven't gone to either in a while though
Probably the pool, I wouldn’t want one at home as some friends have one and they can be quite annoying and pricey to maintain (plus the weather would prevent me getting enough use out of it 😂) but have always enjoyed swimming in a pool and cooling down while on holiday.

I’ve mostly grown up around the beach so went a lot when I was younger but I don’t enjoy trying to dry off when you’re covered in sand and as others have mentioned I also don’t like not been able to see what’s around so that rules some beaches out for swimming unless I was visiting somewhere with the lovely crystal clear sea.
I don't really like either, but if I had to choose it would be the beach! Just sitting and listening and looking at the sea would be so relaxing!
if it was between the beach or a public pool, I’d go with beach. But definitely private pool trumps the beach. I like the thought of the beach, it can be nice and relaxing plus the views are amazing, but sometimes it’s just too crowded and I honestly hate having sand everywhere when it’s time to leave lol plus I can’t swim anyway so I never get in the water at the beach at least with a pool I can just lounge in the shallow end.
I love the beach, walking and getting sand between my toes. I find the sea very calming and peaceful. I am not a confident enough swimmer to swim in the sea but I love to paddle.

I love pools on holiday as it is refreshing to go for a dip when it gets too hot. We went to a villa with a private pool one holiday and that was amazing. I spent so long just floating around the pool on a lilo. Total bliss, wish I could go back one day 💜
I prefer the pool also I am not a beach person plus it freaks me out that fish and the unknown are swimming around you.
Both are not my favourite, but beach is least worst lol. I prefer rivers and lakes !
I definitely prefer the beach since there's the whole atmosphere of being outside and just the general vibes since I tend to go in summer when there's good weather. that being said, a private pool on holiday is almost as nice (and sometimes a bit warmer lol)
For swimming? Probably a pool. I've never been to the beach, but I want to go just to explore a little in the shallow areas and sit on the sand. Not to actually swim swim.
I'd prefer the pool since I really don't like the beach but I also haven't gone swimming in over 10 years. I'm probably not going swimming again anytime soon, either.
I prefer pools. Nothing against beaches, I just don't go often. But when I do, I enjoy them.
Neither! Heavily prefer indoors throughout the Summer, glad it's starting to get cold and can comfortably go for walks!
I prefer the beach. I love swimming in pools too since I swam a lot in the past but beaches are just more natural. The beach is the best!