Do you prefer the beach or the pool?

Beach or Pool?

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Definitely the pool. I own one and it's much better for me not to go to the beach where I'll get very much burnt.
I prefer the pool because I'm not a very strong swimmer and it's easier to swim in a pool. I can grab onto the side whenever needed.
Definitely the beach. I love the feeling of the waves crashing into me, the smell of the ocean air, and the sounds. I'm not really that big into pools
The pool, and thankfully I own one. Just went swimming yesterday in it. :]
I’ve still never gone to a beach before, so I pick going to the pool by default.
Neither, since I just want to stay away from the water, lol. That said, I've been to both growing up, and I'd prefer the beach over the pool if I had to go to one.
I prefer pools because I don't like salty water and the sand getting everywhere. A nice beach with white sand and a few tropical fishes is amazing though!
I just like knowing the water I'm in is "clean".
I think a nice cloudy northern beach is what I’d most prefer in general. I don’t have much experience with tropical beaches, so I can’t give an honest opinion on them. In terms of swimming, I’m not swimming in the ocean so definitely a pool.
Prefer the pool by far. Mostly just because it's usually private with my family when we go on holiday. I do like the beach though, as an occasional visit. Although I got terribly sunburned last year when we went to the beach very often 😅
I like the beach better because there's usually more room between people. The pool is always jam packed with kids.
I like both, but if I want to swim then I prefer the pool. I don't really swim when I go to the beach. I just walk in the water, collect shells, enjoy the ocean breeze, lounge around, and such.
beach over pool any day. i haven't been to the beach in years, but i'm planning on a beach trip next summer. if you get tired of swimming at a pool, there's not much else to do. but with a beach, you have tons of touristy stuff to do when you need a break.
I do like both, but I'd go for the beach. I haven't been... I love tropical climates, so maybe in the future?
That's difficult. Actually enjoy both. I just love to be in the water.